
Doctor's Secrets and Us...?

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OK I was reading Reader's Digest and they had this article where Doctors reveled secrets...I for one already have a problem with trusting Doctor's and it's stressful to go to one, after reading this I'm horrified! Here are a few things that were reveled, please give your thoughts and opinions and state your gender.

"I was told in school to put a patient in a gown when he isn't listening or cooperating. It casts him in a position of subservience." Chiropractor, Atlanta

"I know that Reader's Digest recommends bringing in a complete list of all your symptoms, but every time you do, it only reinforces my desire to quit this profession." D Farrago, MD

"It's pretty common for doctors to talk about their patients and make judgments, particularly about their appearance." Family physician, Washington, D.C

I found this stuff horrifying but there were a few reassuring things as well like this...

"Though we don't cry in front of you, we sometimes do cry about your situation at home." Pediatrician, Chicago

What do you all make of this?




  1. Chiropractors are mostly quacks anyway.

    Doctors are only people and it's tiresome to have other people thinking they know more about their illness than you do. By all means listen to a patient's input, but a catalogue of symptoms in one visit is tedious.

    Nonetheless, professionalism is paramount, but here as elsewhere there are dishonest and nasty people.

  2. They don't call it 'practicing' medicine for nothing. Just like any job and any group of people. There are bad and good apples just in different proportions. Hopefully you get the good (and with a doctor you hang on to the good and keep going to them).  

  3. So THATS why I always have to wear a gown....

    Ya know they're like that Seinfeld episode, where Elaine has to go from Doctor to Doctor (and finally to a veterinarean, to get treated) because her chart followed her from place to place, and it said she was a troublemaker, that she questioned things.

    so careful, hon!  You dont want the doctors to find out you know what theyre up to!

  4. Actually, this makes me realise they're more human than I thought - doesn't worry me at bit.  

  5. As long as their behavior is professional I don't feel affected.

    I'm sure that their profession can be tiresome and annoying at times, much like any other job.

  6. I do not like it at all.  I deal with people who often have horrible phobias about medical issues and just getting them to go to a doctor is very difficult.  I see no good purpose in an article such as this. mom reads Reader's Disgest from cover to cover, no doubt she will be on the phone soon...or send it to me.

  7. seriously, i could care less. I don't see a big deal here?

  8. Well, first I would disregard the first comment, given that chiropractors are more comparable to faith-healers and tarot card readers than actual doctors (take any form of 'alternative medicine' with a grain of salt - the reason it's 'alternative' is because most of the practices can't be objectively demonstrated to have any predictable effect).

    But other than that, it indicates that doctors are people, too (surprise surprise).  They are, of course, experts, but they're experts that you employ, and they come in all sorts.  If they provide effective advice, keep them.  If they're abusive, lazy and incompetent, lose them, just like you would anyone else who you employ.

    Just because most plumbers know more about your pipes than you do, doesn't mean that you shouldn't look for a different one if you encounter one who can't/won't fix your pipes, or who is too lazy to do a good job, or who is arrogant to the point that he forgets who's employing whom.  Just like bad plumbers, bad doctors exist, and you should always be mindful enough of that to recognize when you've got one and need to find a new one.

  9. I'm wondering what justification a Chiropractor would have to make you get into a is that necessary to pop a persons back?

    Though I suppose he is right it would hard to be aggressive and argumentative with your tail hanging out.  (dumb gowns)

    There are good docs and back to find you trust and you will be ok darlin.

  10. Chiropractors are in that?  But they aren't real doctors.  

    Sometimes I have to remind myself that all media is prone to skew toward whatever they can sensationalize (and whatever will get to us) to stay in business; therefore I should not take what I read too seriously.

  11. I think it's pretty crappy that the people that we're trusting with our most intimate details feel like they're doing us a favor by gracing us with their presence.


  12. If I went to a doctor and he told anyone about it, I would put him in hospital!

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