
Doctor's odd behavior?

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I was seeing a GI doctor today, and beside the fact that he was arrogant and a bit condescending he also started examining my lap appendectomy scars, which there are three of them around my abdominal area one quite low...he kept looking for the lower scar and then I pointed to where it was on top of my clothes and he like pulled the waistband of my shorts down to see it...

I don't know, it just seemed kind of odd since my scars had absolutely nothing to do with what I was there for...

I don't want to be one of those people who cry malpractice left and right but something about it was very strange...

What do you think? Odd? Should I go back?




  1. I'd find a new doctor if your current one makes you feel uncomfortable. You really need to have a doctor you can trust. Plus no one is going to ask you why you feel uncomfortable because it's perfectly acceptable to feel uncomfortable with a doctor. You can just say that you would feel more comfortable with a female doctor, and problem solved!

  2. That is very odd, if i were you I would get a new doctor.

    Sounds like he was hoping your scars were down lower.

  3. i dont think you need to cry malpractice but i would find a new doctor

  4. Hmm sounds like a rapist. Don't see him again if he does again you can sue him. Did he mention anything about it or tell you why he was looking for scars? I suggest either calling police or see another doctor.

  5. Odd?  Yes; frankly, if you feel in your gut (no pun intended) that this was weird and you were uncomfortable, then you are not imaging it.  As for going back, I would once more to see if that behavior continues.

  6. As a patient, who is giving their time and money to this "professional", I would talk to the doctor himself. If this made you terribly uncomfortable, I might see if I could switch to another doctor, prefferably female.

    If somebody ever makes you this uncomfortable again, ask him why he is examining your scars, when you are not there for that.

    I had a doctor(female) who wanted to examine me from head to toe, to find out what was bothering me.

    Yes, that is odd.
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