
Doctor Who Quote?

by Guest62131  |  earlier

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What were the quotes in "Christmas Invasion" and "New Earth" where:

1. The Doctor is giving a lecture on who he is and something about a big threatening button.

2. Cassandra is in the Doctor's body and is saying how fozy he is, and about the 2 hearts, and all that stuff.

Could I have it word for word?




  1. 1.

    Sycorax Leader: Who exactly are you?

    The Doctor: [Grinning] Well, that's the question!

    Sycorax Leader: [Bellowing] I demand to know who you are!

    The Doctor: [Mimicking] I don't knooooow! [normal] See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that.... I-I just don't know, I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? s**y? [winks at Rose] Right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence I've certainly got a gob! And how am I gonna react when I see this? A great big threatening button. Ah-hah.

    [sees the control matrix and runs up to it]

    A great big threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess, it's some sort of control matrix, hmm? Hold on, what's feeding it? And what have we got here? Blood? :[tastes] Yep, definitely, blood, human blood, A-positive, with just a dash of iron. Haagh. But that means.... blood control; blood control!! Awwww, I haven't seen blood control for years! You're controlling all the A-positives. Which leaves us with a great, big, stinking problem. 'Cause I really don't know who I am. I don't know when to stop. So if I see a great, big, threatening button -which should never, ever, ever be pressed- then I just wanna do this!

    [Presses the button]


    Cassandra: [in the Doctor's body] Oooh my. This is.... different.

    Rose: Cassandra?

    Cassandra: Goodness me, I'm a man! Yum. So many parts! And hardly used. Ungh- Ohhhh! Two hearts! Oh baby, I'm beating out a samba!

    Rose: Get out of him!

    Cassandra: Oooh, he's slim. And a little bit foxy. [speaks suggestively to Rose] You thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been like it!

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