
Doctor says i got radio waves in my urine?

by  |  earlier

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how do i get them out




  1. take the stereo out of your ****.

  2. ur like a superhero then :]

    yay !

  3. if he/she said that, then either they're messing with you, or they are a fraud

  4. Switch to HD Radio

  5. Radio waves travel through humans. We all have them all through our bodies. Hence, you can have them in your urine!

  6. You must have really misunderstood him, or he is a quack.

  7. Hmmm, grab your portable radio and start listening to the worlds first and only radio broadcasting LIVE from your p***s! More great hits after a few short messages from your colon!

  8. That doctor has no lisence probably

  9. he could be making it up, or he could be talking about background radiation.

    we are all exposed to a certain amount of radiation everyday, from food, the sun, the earth, air travel etc. however, this is in such small amounts that it doesn't harm us. this also means that we can't get rid of it.

    as radio waves have to travel through the air/atmosphere to be received, this could be why your urine has radio waves in it, because of background radiation, and because it's abckground radiation and everything has it, it's impossible to get rid of.

    hope this helps.

  10. Listen to the radio with your ears! Might be a start

  11. get a real doctor.

  12. That's a very common occurance, especially with those people whom are deeply infected with a virus known as, "Radiophil Urination Waverly-olosis".

  13. Do you c**p atom bombs too?

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