
Doctors advice stomach problems?

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ive had problems with my stomach for a year after i took a course of antibiotics, symptoms are diarrhoea mostly in the middle of the night stomach aches alot of wind mucusy stools,lost weight almost a stone,and recently theres been a bit of blood and bloody mucus. ive been to my doctor who thought it could be IBS but he wasn't sure,ive also seen a nutritionist but ive not got better recently ive seen a gastroentraolagist who sent me for a stomach xray,does anyone have an idea of what it could be and should i see my doctor to tell him about the recent bloody stools or should i wait till next month to see my gastroentraoligist to tell him? and ive had many blood tests which have all came back negative thank you.




  1. Part of it sounds a bit like IBS but you should definately tell your doctor that you've got bloody stools.  Push them to do more tests.  There's obviously a problem somewhere and it's their job to find it.  Hope u get better soon xx

  2. ive had problems with my stomach but i was told it was just stress though i believe t to be when i kept being punched on the stomach at school all the time, though a decent diet seems to do ok for me, maybe your stressed or have an irritabel bowl which is actually comon

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