
Doctors and Women only?

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This is really embarrassing but I have like a bump on my crotch area. Like before I thought it was just razor burn but last night I used nair down there and the bump was there and it wasnt razor burn. It is almost like a mosquiso bite but its underneath my skin. I dont know if it is a cyst or watever but its kinda scaring me. It is like really far "down there" but to the side not on that actual area its on the skin on the side. If anyone knows what it is or what i should do plz let me know. I am really embarassed about it so i would rather not go to the doctor specifically for it if it isnt serious.




  1. It's probably just an ingrown hair. Put a warm compress on it a couple times a day. If it doesn't go down within the next 3 or 4 days I'd go get it looked at. It could be a boil or a cyst that would need to be drained.

  2. ingrown hair??

  3. You didn't get really specific about where exactly the bump was; however if it is on your labia (lips) it's probably nothing to worry about.  If it feels like a stone, and under the skin, many women get them. I don't remember the specific name, however they can get sore, and then stop being sore. They can multiply, and you may notice that when you are kinda hot and sweaty, they are sore.  If they become bothersome, you can go to the doctor, and have them removed, if it's what I'm thinking they are.  They are not contagious.

  4. it could be a boil which could be caused from in grown hair

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