
Doctors charging for copies of your records?

by Guest66576  |  earlier

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I just received a bill from my doctor for $30 for copies of my medical records.

My husband and I just took out new life insurance policies and the insurance company requested copies of my medical records because I am pregnant.

I had no idea that they charged for these. I thought everyone had legal rights to their medical records.

It's my ob/gyn and I am currently pregnant so I don't want to make a big stink about it and have to find a new doc but was just curious Is this common or legal?




  1. It is common for them to do this if you request them.  They will send them to another doctor for free.  My thought on this is a lot of them charge to deter you from actually seeing your records because sometimes doctors will say things on charts or make notes they would prefer the patient not see....  My other thought is, it is your body and your health so you have every right to know what is going on with you!!!

  2. You're entitled to your medical records and the doctor is entitled to charge for his reasonable expenses in having them copied.

  3. There is no problem here.  You have a right to a copy of your medical records and your doctor has a right to charge you for those copies.  This is the same policy at any doctors office.

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