
Doctors information? (boys minimum)?

by  |  earlier

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I think i have thrush. (Like 'down there' thrush). I want to see a doctor or get medication because it is very irritating and my mother will most likely come with me. the problem is, i'm not a virgin and my mother doesn't know that. do you think the doctor will bring up the subject or do you think my mum will notice that i've had s*x? i don't want her to find out.




  1. The doctor cannot tell your mom about your sexual history-there's a patient-confidentiality law.  Just go, I'm sure you're miserable and he may give you some antibiotics or tell you to take a 7-day treatment, depending on how bad it is.  Best of luck to you.  

  2. you can ask the doctor not to tell her..

    and she probably won't.  

  3. just go to ur local chemist an ask for treatment for thrush n after uv used it n it asnt cleared up ul av to go to da docs coz it cud b sumthing else n just tell ur mum ur old enuff to go into da docs by urself

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