
Doctors make me soooooo mad!!!!!!!! this ever happen to your child?

by Guest63144  |  earlier

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ok i went to the er last night. my daughter had been running fever since three yesterday afternoon and i was told that if it got over 101.3 to bring her in. well we get up there they do paperwork and everything and we wait. then the "doctor" calls us back to one of the registration desks and looks at my daughters ears, throat, etc. she says to me "well i think she has strep throat so i am going to give her antibiotics and send her home" they didnt do tests or anything she just looked at her and i asked her "how do you know its strep throat if all you've done is look at her throat?" she says "i dont i'm guessing thats what it is" well as if that didnt p**s me off enough she tells me that they are going to check her temp and give her the antibiotic. well that was fine untill the tell me they are going to do it rectally!! all of the doctors that i have ever went to strongly advise against getting a temp reading rectally. and to top it off

will add.......




  1. i have been treated like that and actually its normal.. the only problem honestly i see with your visit is they were guessing and going to give antibiotics.. I am not sure how old your baby is but above 3 months old 101 isnt that strong of a fever, babies have a higher temp in general.

    Also i am not sure who ever told you to not do a rectal temp. Rectal temps are the MOST accurate, that is why when a child is born they take their temp that way (when first born) after its in the armpit unless they have a temp then it is important to get the exact temp rectally, axillary temps are not accurate, when a child actually has a fever you should take it rectally.. I have never had anyone advise against it

    Also.. i have never heard that you cant go to the dr and ER in the same day, that is really lame,  so you can go back to the ER and cost them more money, but not see the pedi.. that does not make sense at all.. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, i have had many in my days of taking my daughters to the ER.. they are so rushed that they just dont care sometimes..  if her fever goes any higher or she wont drink then take her back again.. just watch her fluid to make sure she dont get dehydrated..

    EDIT: I never said i didn't see anything wrong with her visit.. but im sorry you as the parent should have stopped them if you didnt see that as okay.. by no means do i think its okay. I would have been unhappy about that also, but remember this is an ER not a dr office, ER's are very understaffed and very overloaded, i just took it as they did not have a room for her to go to at that time and it was important to them to get the temp and see how high it was..

    Sorry i was not trying to say it was okay or not important, but i just looked at it as that was what they had to do.. in emergency rooms you do not get the same comfort as a dr office..

  2. That was a lame answer. She guessed. Not she has seen this before. This is going around. You can tell by the color of her throat, but she guessed.

      That's real nice. I would have said guessing is nice, but let us actually find out with facts.

      With that said, you did go to the ER after midnight. I know you were concerned, but your baby having a temp like that really wasn't an emergency. They aren't equipped for stuff like that. The rooms were probably filled with people bleeding and puking and things like that. So I would cut some slack there. An explanation would have been nice, but they are overworked and over crowded and explanations take time that they don't have to give.

      Would it p**s me off? Sure but it isn't a perfect world.

    Your pediatrician is better equipped to diagnose your child. Save the ER for serious emergencies like say the temp had spiked really high, she wasn't responsive, she's puking non-stop... you get the picture.  

      I'm not being non compassionate. I do understand what you went through. I was a new mom once before. You learn as time goes by.

  3. That's a disgusting way to treat someone! =[ x

  4. To begin with..a dr "thinking" is as good as someone who "thinks" they are a dr..i work in the medical field..and this was a bad case of i cant even think of a name for it..but dr can "tell" you what they are going to do..the can suggest..when you saw them prpare your child for that should have stopped them..and the guessing of what was wrong..well that would be like me telling someone that their motor in thei car went up when they are actuall out of should have demanded tests..some drs will not do what is needed because its medicaid..well medicaid recipients have just as much right as the far as being seen need to call your worker...if you were told to follow up with the ped. then do it...

  5. I'm sorry you have had a rough time.  They should have given you a room if they did anything rectally.  That's crazy.  

    As for just guessing and giving a dose of antibiotics, here that's what they did to my daughter too.  She had pneumonia for a week!  The only thing that did work was baby tylenol as her fever was over 100 for about 5 days.  I felt bad because she had congestion, but under the age of 2 there apparently isn't much to do.

    On top of all that she was given a second round of antibiotics that she had a reaction to and we spent another day in the hospital to make sure it wouldn't harm her.  Sometimes I think doctors can be pretty dumb for being so smart.

  6. i have not been through this but my pediatric office is available 24/7 no matter what and they do all testing there i brought my daughter for her 2 month shots and i told them she had a slight fever of 100.7 the day before and they checked her completely and took blood to check her white blood cells and everything

  7. that hasnt happened to me but if ur at the er of cousres they should run a complete test to include and exclude the possible son been in er like 3 times for being sick and they checked everything.

  8. That is absolutely horrifying. If I were you I would lodge a formal complaint. Most hospitals and dr's offices now have recieving rooms where ,even if you aren't taken back to a room immediatley, they take your temperature and ask you questions in private. I can't believe they would tell you (for something as serious as strep which can cause major health problems if not treated correctly) that that's what they thought it was and just generally act callous and as if they didn't care. My honest opinion is that I think its b/c you're on medicaid. I had medicaid for my pregnancy/birth, and now my little girl will have it till she is 1 year old. I can't wait till I can take her off that crappy medicaid and put her on my work insurance (I didn't have insurance when she was born) They treated me and now her as if she is a second class citizen. My little girl  had a horrible cough for months and no one ever did anything about it till the third... That's right I said third time I went to the E.R. You have to get tough with these people. I think they get apathetic after a while and they just don't care. Make it their problem not to care.

    I'm serious about lodging a formal complaing against that e.r. That someone would say there were going to take anyone's temperature rectally in a waiting room is rediculous no matter what age the patient.

    Good luck, and I hope your little girl get's to feeling better. Try going to a diff e.r and Demanding better service this time. Don't even give them a chance to give you the brush off.

  9. i had to take my son to er with a 102.4 fever about a month ago. at first they said that he might have strep . they did xrays and found out that he had pneumonia . he was admitted and stayedover 24 hours with iv in his hand b/c of dehydration . unlike yourself , i was treated really good . i am just trying to give you an idea as to what could be wrong. if you go back ask for them to take xrays . wish you the best and hope your lil one gets better .

  10. FIND A DIFFERENT HOSPITAL FOR EMERGENCY VISITS!!! I cannot believe they did htat!! Doctors work for you. YOu are the one paying them they should have done more tests... i would have been outraged. E-mail someone at the head of that hospital and tell them of your expireince-- someone should be reprimanded. That is ridiculous

  11. npe.i havent.but i do have sum experience on docs wasting time.u do hav a right to be angrY tho.thats ridiculous.maybe they think you have a houseful of cash

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