
Doctors office did this?

by  |  earlier

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My son came home with a reddish eye and goo coming from his eye. I called the doctor to set up an appointment and she stated that he was not in the office in the afternoon. So, i was like well that's something new to me. Can you call in a prescription for gingivitis, she said does it itch him? I said "Sure does" So she called in a prescription and it should be ready as we speak. Has your kid's doctor ever done this for you? I think he is pretty cool but they said you do have to bring him next week for a check up for his eye, i said that's fine.

Do they make me come in next week because they want money, or because they really do need to make sure it's gone?




  1. I thought gingivitis was bad breath????

  2. gingivitis is a disease in the mouth. I think he has a pinkeye

  3. #1- Gingivitis is gum disease. I think you meant conjunctivitis.

    #2- They don't 'just want your money'. The doctor isn't available to see you. Regardless if he called something in for your son or not, they wouldn't be able to see him till Monday.  It's not a life threatening emergency, so they won't tell you to go to urgent care. They want you to wait till Monday to be seen.

    But if you request to treat him with a medication that you think will help, and it wont necessarily harm the child, most doctors will just call it in, to make you happy and possibly treat whats wrong with him over the weekend.

    They just want him to come in so they can be sure it IS conjuntivitis. If it is, then fine. You keep giving him the drops in his eyes. If its something else, they will want to treat what really wrong with him properly.

  4. i would be upset if my son's doctors office just called in a prescription.  your son probably does have pink eye, but what if it was something more severe, and the prescription caused more harm than good.  what if the eye problem is just a symptom of another disease?  you know the most important thing a doctor can do?  its not prescribe medication, it is to do an exam.  i would certainly go back for the follow up visit, just to make sure the infection had cleared up and nothing else was going on.

  5. Ok - first off gingivitis is a disease of the gums in your mouth, it has nothing to do with eyes.  It sounds like your son has conjunctivitis.  Who called in the prescription, who is "she" that was in the office while the doctor was out?  Also, your doctor must have coverage if he is not in the office.

    ANyways, to answer your question, they want you to come in to make sure your son's eye is really getting better.

  6. dont worry about $ (b/c I suspect that's the 1st reason but by their practice standards the doctors are required to see the patient for a follow up just in case), just to be on the safe side u should take ur son see the doctor.

  7. My doctor did that for me once. I was having an acne problem. Instead of going for an office visit, she just asked me a bunch of questions over the phone to see how bad it was and then just prescribed me some medicine, which she sent right away to the pharmacy!

  8. Hi there.  I hope for your sake that the prescription that they called in for you was drops for "conjunctivitis" which is a type of eye infection.  "Gingivitis" has to do with your gums in your mouth.  Two very different treatments.

    Was this a nurse that you spoke with at the doctor's office?  Sometimes if your doctor's office knows who you are and do not think the condition or illness is something that renders being seen, they will be kind enough to call a prescription in for you.  It is usually not the norm, but appears you lucked out.

    The doctor wants you to come in for a follow up because conjunctivitis is extremely contagious and can spread from person to person, and could possibly cause damage to the eye if not treated properly.  They are not just looking for money, they want to make sure he is healing properly.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.

  9. they just wanna see make sure it aint getting worse and evey thing is okay and maybe to see what his REAL problem is because gincivitis has NOTHING to do with the eye   here my proof read this

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