
Doctors or pharmacist please help!!!?

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I have colitis. I suffer everyday with the worst pains!!!! pains that make me want to go to the hospital!!

i take colazal for inflamation. and i take paxil for pain. im going to my doctor tomorrow and i want to switch both my pills for better results.. i heard anti depressents block pain messages to your brain and it will make me less depressed thats why i told my doctor i wanted them and he put me on it. do u recommend me take something else for pain? i need something that will calm me down and make my tummy not hurt! and something that wont make me gain weight! ive been gaining weight lately and my stumach is all bloated!!

*for the past 2 weeks i have been taking paxil 10mg a day. and colazal 3 times daily 750 mg. maybe i need a higher dose of paxil?

im 20 years old.




  1. Yes, some anti-depressants can help with pain, but not paxil.  You have to use a tricyclic anti-depressant like Elavil, and that will only help with nerve pain.

    If you are having a flare, you might need a prescription for prednisone.

  2. I'd like to help, but I'm not clear on what type of colitis you suffer from and I don't think any advice I could offer could supercede the advice of your physician.

    Best of luck.

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