
Doctors..please answer. ferrous fumarate?

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i've been taking ferrous fumurate iron tablets and since then i have had bad reactions like vomitting, nausea and head aches.

What do I do? Should I stop taking them? Is it really because of the tablets or not?





  1. Ferrous sulfate provides the iron needed by the body to produce red blood cells. It is used to treat or prevent iron-deficiency anemia, a condition that occurs when the body has too few red blood cells because of pregnancy, poor diet, excess bleeding, or other medical problems.

    Consult your doctor.

  2. im not a doc but used to work in pharmacy and also have expereince myself.  there are many different preparations of iron and u can try different ones till u find one that doesnt upset u.   in my case it was pregaday which is a slow release capsule that was ok.   otherwise u will have to go back to yr doc as they may wish to give u iron in a diffeent way depending how bad yr anaemia is

  3. If you were not vomiting nausea or having head aches, before you started taking the tablets, then yes it is the tablets so go and see your doctor, as soon as possibly and tell him the problem, that you been having, he will then be able to put you on to the right tablets for you.

  4. One of the side effects of taking iron is nausea and vomiting. The commonest and cheapest form of iron is ferrous sulfate, but it is also the poorest tolerated from. Ferrous fumarate is better tolerated in most individuals. Apparently you are an exception. Sure, you can stop taking ferrous fumarate, but please notify your doctor why you have done so. He/she may want to try a different form of iron.

  5. I'm not a doctor, but I've worked in a pharmacy for about 5 yrs. Vomitting, nausea, and headaches definitely sound like bad side effects to your meds. I don't know the whole story, but I would stop taking them until you contact a pharmacist. Go visit or call your local pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist.

  6. vomitting, nausea,head aches are common side effects of iron tablets.

    It will be better for you to take it as a oral formulation when comes mix with vitamins.

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