Hello for about a month i am feeling unreal and detached my urroungings feel so strange, i am so scared that this is shizophrenia.
Lately i have speech problems and behavior problems, i am feeling low on vocabulary i feel like my body is on autoppilet not of my parents had shizophrenia,that feeling comes down but than it gets more intense iam am 15 years old i play sports and i use to be really healthy when i became 15 i dont know wtf happened to me and also i have a really plugged nose when i blow nothing comes out but i feel that its plugged all the way to my forehead anf i can feel bumbs on side of my nose and
on my forehead but those are not pimples my airways are plugged and my parents keep teelling me that its because i dont get enogh oxygen
and i start to feel like i am out of my body also about that feeling its really strange its like i am there but really not i feel light headed and lately i feel that i cant put a sentense togethere and its hard to act normal feels like i am a robot
plz help me some one i cant take it no more i feel like dying and i feel like my life is over i am in panic that it can be shizophrenia
plz help me