
Doctors plz help me plz plz help me i am suffering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello for about a month i am feeling unreal and detached my urroungings feel so strange, i am so scared that this is shizophrenia.

Lately i have speech problems and behavior problems, i am feeling low on vocabulary i feel like my body is on autoppilet not of my parents had shizophrenia,that feeling comes down but than it gets more intense iam am 15 years old i play sports and i use to be really healthy when i became 15 i dont know wtf happened to me and also i have a really plugged nose when i blow nothing comes out but i feel that its plugged all the way to my forehead anf i can feel bumbs on side of my nose and

on my forehead but those are not pimples my airways are plugged and my parents keep teelling me that its because i dont get enogh oxygen

and i start to feel like i am out of my body also about that feeling its really strange its like i am there but really not i feel light headed and lately i feel that i cant put a sentense togethere and its hard to act normal feels like i am a robot

plz help me some one i cant take it no more i feel like dying and i feel like my life is over i am in panic that it can be shizophrenia

plz help me





  1. That doesn't sound like schizophrenia. Since both of your parents have it, I'm sure you know what the symptoms are, and these aren't it.

    It sounds more like you have some sort of low-level flu or a vitamin deficiency of some sort. Try changing your diet a bit and see what happens.

  2. try to stop freaking out! sometimes i hav those moments and im 14..calm down ur not gona die. if it keeps happening GO and see aa doctor.

    hope u get through this ♥

  3. Given your age, my guess is that it's anxiety. In other words, you are worrying yourself sick. What you have on your forehead may be hives, which is no big deal, but often brought about by worry. Try to get your parents to take you to your doctor. Tell him/her what's going on. In the meantime, think about other things in your life that are worrying you. Are you fearing the new school year? Do you have problems with friends? Is someone mad at you? You have to figure out what you're really afraid of if you want to better deal with anxiety.  

  4. Everything you mentioned is associated with anxiety. This is all very normal when it comes to having panic attacks as well as feeling "out of body" This has happened to me a few times and I have had the 911 crew out at my house. This was very scary and I can tell you this now, your not alone. Do you have allergies? This can also be associated with your oxygen problems and your stuffiness.  

  5. Have an open and honest talk with your parents about how you've been feeling lately.  Ask them to take you to your doctor or the nearest walk in clinic for an evaluation.  Only a doctor can tell you whether you're bipolar vs. some other problem.

    Are you taking any over the counter medications for your congestion?  Are you using any street drugs?  Has there been any significant changes in your life lately (IE death of a friend or family member)?  Be sure to be totally honest with your parents and the doctor.  This is the only way for you to get the treatment you need.  Good luck.

  6. I have the same thing...i have OCD and Generalized anxiety disorder...feeling detached is your body natural response to doesn't sound like schizophrenia as you would likely be hearing voices and seeing things...see a doctor to be sure

    Im 16 and i know how your feeling...see a doctor i know its misserable

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