
Doctors update on brutally beaten San Francisco Giants’ fan Bryan Stow – MLB News

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Doctors update on brutally beaten San Francisco Giants’ fan Bryan Stow – MLB News
Bryan Stow, a 42-year-old paramedic is the unfortunate fan who was beaten up in the parking lot of the Dodger Stadium after a Los Angeles Dodgers and Giants match. His supposed crime was that he wore a Giants jersey that aggravated two Dodger gear clad men
to such an extent that they beat him ruthlessly. The state and severity of his injuries was so intense that the doctors had to put him in a medically induced coma that would attempt to prevent his brain from undergoing any more brain damage.
For the month of March, Stow’s condition remained the same. Thousands of fans gathered and prayed for his health as well as his family’s well being but the doctors reported no changes. They let the public know that there are very little chances of him ever
recovering from this unfortunate incident.
Now updates that could possible lead to some positive development have been released by the doctors at San Francisco General Hospital. Stow has been weaned off one of the five anti seizure medications that he receives since he was admitted in March. His
brain has not shown any seizure like tendencies during 30 hours of continuous monitoring in the intensive care unit. Dr. Geoff Manley told the public that these newest developments were positive but no one could still predict Stow’s chances of recovery.
"We just don't know right now," He said. "We're treating him as if he will make a recovery. We're being very aggressive. We're leaving no stone unturned. But time will tell."
In the passage of the next several weeks the doctors would taper the rest of the medications so that they could better assess the damage to Stow’s brain. The medically induced coma was put on Stow so that his seizures could be controlled which would lead
to less brain damage. Dr Manley described the attempt to control his seizures as an "epic struggle."
The Los Angeles Police Chief, namely Chief Charlie Beck informed the public that an additional reward of $100,000 was going to be presented for any information that could lead to the suspect’s arrest, whose sketches have been distributed at all public places.
The total reward that stands for the arrest of the suspects is now a staggering $200,000. It is the hope of the police that someone that might have seen something or heard something about the incident will come forward for the reward money.
Dodgers’ team management has stated that they will do what they can to help Stow’s family, as have the Giants’ management. Thousands of fans have come out to help any way the family any way they can in these trying times.



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