
Doctors;Should I get this checked out?

by  |  earlier

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I was riding a horse and I don't remember if I was either thrown from him or if I fell off of him because I had gotten a 2nd Level concussion do to that accident. Anyways, when I was thrown off, I just so happened to be thrown into a barn post, causing a gushing blood gash on my head. I went to the doctor about an hour later and he didn't advise any stitches or surgery. Well now, 3 yrs later it is still very tender and hurts really bad if touched.

Is there anything I should be concerned about?





  1. I won't worry too much .  I'm sure they did a Cat Scan and an MRI for any head injury. And most likely there were no abnormal findings.  A concussion with no residual effects .  But if you're so worried, maybe you should ask your mom to take you to a neurologist. I found this open forum and I quote:

    I am sorry to learn of the unfortunate circumstances regarding  your 1969 head injury.  With the exception of  your alarming, head pains, you seem to have made a remarkable recovery, congratulations.

    I can relate to your feelings of  apprehension concerning those electric like head pains.  I too, suffered similar head pains for a number of years following my 1982 head injury.  Mine were, sudden, swift and brain numbing.  They would strike without warning and stop me in my tracks.  And, much like a lightening storm, they would end as suddenly as the had begun. Afterwards, following a brief recovery period, I was able to resume my previous activities.

    Mine, however, unlike yours, have grown less intense and less frequent over the years. Could it be that your apprehension contributes to their persistence?  Considering, that you have received a "clean" bill of health, it would seem to me that there might be an emotion factor associated with them.   You should try to address this neuropathic pains.

  2. Hey there,

    Im a doctor...I think something might be up there....I carnt tell without a CAT scan...But i suggest you go see your doctor...specially if it was three years ago and it just started hurting agian...tell your doctor what pain your feeling...

    just a question for you...on a pain scale level from bad is it?  

  3. omfg yes! it could be very serious. go to a doctor now!

  4. after three years and it still hurts? You should go see a doctor, and preferably not the one you went to before

  5. YES! You should be seen ASAP. If you are having that much pain, in fact, any pain, then you need to be seen. No stitches is one thing, but headaches when you touch is another. It could be something else, but either way you need it checked out! Don't put it off, it could be serious. I had serious concussion when I was a kid, and I don't have pain now. So if you do, it needs checked for sure. And even if nothing is wrong, at least you will find out why you are getting them.

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