
Dodger and boston fans

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i asked this somewhere else but most didnt get the question so ill ask again.

nomar said when bost gets rid of their star players, they tend to make them look like the bad guy. eveidnce is they did it to mo vaughn, clemens, and him ( and this is regaurdless if they suck or not. the point is they try to make them the bad guy whey they leave) what do u think? true or not?




  1. I disagree.  My opinion is that the Red Sox were forced to trade Manny by Scott Boras.  Boras wasn't going to make any money if the Red Sox picked up Manny's contract option at the end of the year, so he needed many to get traded.  He applied the pressure, and as we all know Manny isn't the brightest bulb on the branch, he agreed and openly accused the Red Sox of many things they never did.  The Red Sox put up with many things Manny did that could have easily got him kicked out of the organization if he wasnt such a great hitter.  When the Red Sox finally said fine and agreed to try to trade Manny, I think he took it as a slap in the face of sorts, saying They don't deserve to have a player like him.  

    Why would a team try to make a player look bad while they are trying to trade him.  If anything the team would want to make the player look good to get more in return for him.  What team wants to take a chance on a guy who they think is a brute?  

    Manny was obviously not happy in Boston in the week before he was traded.  He didn't hustle, whether you like to hear it or not.  He was a joke in the OF everywhere except Fenway.  Jason Bay has identical numbers on a team with no offense.  Bay is a better fielder, better baserunner, and better teammate.  If Manny was such a great teammate he wouldn't have ditched Papi last season when Papi wanted to get to 50 HR's and needed Manny behind him in the lineup to defend against the intentional walks.  Bottom line is this.  Manny needed to be dealt and the Red Sox got a great player back in Jason Bay.  Bay will be able to help the team in the future in more ways than Manny could have.  Manny doest have that many years left anyway, he is 37 this year.   Manny's HR numbers have decline steadily over the past few seasons as well.  

  2. No one ever thinks of themselves as the bad guy.

    Look at Manny, he was dogging it, taking his job lightly.  Why, he doesn't want the Red Sox to exercise his option because he feels he can get more than $20 mil a year.

    He would never think "wow, I'm such an *** for doing that", he would justify it to him self that he's simply trying to ensure his financiall.... and then they lose me.

    Nomar was hurt so much at the end of his tenure.  Can the Red Sox say listen, toughen up.  We are paying you all this money, blah blah blah.

    I think everyone will tend to blame the other guy.

    That's why pro contracts should be short and cheap and extra money based on what you contribute.

  3. Hes right!  

  4. I think the players are the bad ones.

    I think the players that are traded are making Boston look like the bad guy. Players like Ramirez, Clemens, Nomar, and Mo Vaughn were all great players but there head got so big. Now I don't know much about Nomar and his relationship with Boston but Ramirez, Vaughn, and Clemens were not known to be good teammates. They were selfish and only cared about themselves. When I saw Ramirez not hustle down the line when he hit that ball in the third base hole and ended up getting thrown out because he didn't hustle. It made me sick. It showed me he didn't give a c**p about his teammates. Boston's a great team that just got screwed by a couple of arogant players. Now I think Clemens and Ramirez are great players and most definitely have a place in the Hall of Fame but they need to stop being little girls and just play the game and leave the attitude when therein the office with the teams personnel.

    I don't know if that made sense but I tried. Good question.

  5. I think the Red Sox Organization has done that, they made many players like Vaughn, clemens, and nomar seem like the bad guy.

    I think I heard something about this on espn yesterday.

  6. I say not true.

    Look at the players you named.  Vaughn did little to nothing after he left the team.  With Nomar, the Sox stagnated; without him, champions

    And Clemens?  He was only mediocre in his last years with the Sox but golden in Toronto and NY.  A suspicious person might think that he had some chemical help. but he said no.  He wouldn't lie to us, now would he?

    Manny made Manny look bad before the trade.
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