
Dodgy stomach after cycling?

by Guest62973  |  earlier

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After I come back from a half hour cycle ride, every single time I have a stomach ache - almost like a diarrhea stomach. Can anyone explain why? How do I prevent it?




  1. Are you possibly drinking too much water or sports drink (gatorade)?  That'll make you feel sick for sure. Or, are you eating lot then going riding?  If this only occurs from bike riding and not other sports, I would suspect that it's something you are ingesting.  If not, maybe a visit to the doctor would be a good idea.

  2. sometimes this happens to me too, i think its just from pushing really hard because pushing your body can sometimes hurt it.

  3. I suspect you are gulping air instead of breathing properly!

    The other thing that springs to mind (although half hour is too short) is that again you are taking in too much air whilst drinking or eating.

    btw. Dont ride on a full stomach either.

    Hope everything works out for you.


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