
Doe the tail of the engish bulldog have to cover the a**s to be a show quality dog.?

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I have a puppy whose tail does cover her a**s when you gently pull it to the right, but it veres off the the left a little when it is natural so the a**s is exposed. Is this considered bad in the show ring?




  1. I like the look of a bulldog. They are so cute.

  2. The tail may be either straight or "screwed" (but never curved or curly), and in any case must be short, hung low, with decided downward carriage, thick root and fine tip. If straight, the tail should be cylindrical and of uniform taper. If "screwed," the bends or kinks should be well defined, and they may be abrupt and even knotty, but no portion of the member should be elevated above the base or root.

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