
Doea anyone else agree that the Chinese gymnasts in the olympics were underaged?

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I know they were. I mean, they're shaped, their smiles, and the fact that their teeth alone were not mature yet, jusy goes to prove it.

Just wondering what everyone else's opinion is...




  1. Ugh. I asked the same question: read the answer.

    16 yrs they have billions of people to choose from why would they break the rules I would say their second best team would win all the medals as well and probably their third best team would as well .

    People should just accept they are good gymnasts and stopped hinting that they are cheats and get with the spirit of the games which seems to be sadly lacking on yahoo tonight.

    And plus, if you're working this intensely at this kind of level, do you think your bodies are going to mature normally? And also asians look a LOT younger than they really are. For instance some people have asked my mom if she was about 30 and she's really about 15 years older... Or my little cousin.. Shes 18 and tons of people believe shes 13.

  2. yah!

  3. Yeah, I'd have to agree, just by looks alone.  Especially the teeth & their bodies.  But you gotta admit, they are great at what they do!

  4. They definatly do look too young! their whole features, I watched something online about them and they said that they do look too young, that the do not have their adult teeth, dont have bodies of 16+ yr olds. The only thing represtenting them being 16 or so old, is their b*****s, I'm not a perv at all! But completly on this subject I was looking at them closely, but then they could be stuffing bras or whatever? Nobody really knows!

  5. They look around 10.  

  6. Yes!! They looked like they were 6

  7. i see this little "WHITE" american girl (i was not paying close enough attention to catch names) but ya, she looked 12 years old to me, no hips, small lips, and a baby face..... so they need to get on her line too if they want to get at the chinese people first. I just choose to be fair

  8. ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!  Only one of them looked like they were 16

  9. Yes...they were way to young to compete and I hope that they really look into this subject!

  10. i agree with alana j. if the games where here in america, do you think that other countries maybe complaining aswell? just enjoy the games.

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