
Doeasnt it make you mad when poeple drive slow in the fast lane?

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I like to tailgate them until they move thier @sses and sometiems high beam !!




  1. Having learned to drive on the autobahn, I believe in the "drive right" theory, where in you only move to the left lane to pass.

    A friend of mine once wrote the following quote on his personal webpage;

    "I am not a hostile person, but if you want to see hostility, do the speed limit in the left lane."

    A friend in highschool had a sticker on his Suburban pronouncing his vehicle to be armed with "Winnebago seeking missiles."

    And if you've got a couple hundy to drop on a toy, go to

    If blasting their rear window out with a locomotive horn doesn't make them move, only dynamite will.  

    What annoys me more, at least on the highway, is when I have the cruise control set, swing to the left to pass someone, and they accelerate to keep up with me until we run neck and neck, with them accelerating every time I bump up the cruise control.  

    The two worst I've endured, thanking any gods you may care to pray to, (or maybe the three drivers I'm about to tell you about should be saying their prayers,) included a pair of women that drove side by side, 10 miles an hour under the speed limit, for over 100 miles.  

    The other award goes to the little old man that seemed to believe that the speed limit on a road with a 40 mph limit should be 15 and just seemed to sense how I was going to get around him in another lane.  I tried passing, I tried faking him out, but still couldn't get the SOB out of my way.  I'll be honest, it wasn't nice, it wasn't tactful, but since it seemed to be what he was soliciting for, I very deliberately rammed him one morning and left as he was swinging off the road; after about a month of being stuck behind him every morning on my way to work, I was running out of options.  I think of it as punching the buffoon that won't leave your girlfriend alone in a bar; sometimes, there's nothing else you can do.

    Oddly, I never did see the old man again.  Given that my commute started at 4am, usually he and I were the only ones on the road.  I had it to myself, so I raised the speed limit to 50 mph.


  2. I just pass them (on the right) - not worth it to get my blood boiling, or anger me to the point where I endanger myself or neighboring cars.

  3. Yeah it does if your not going to go the speed limit get your *** out of the fast lane I've noticed I go faster in the slow lane then the people in the fast lane do and that's only going 70mph.  I don't tailgate though I just go around them and jump on the gas so the engine kicks to 5000-5500 RPMS and I avoid tailgating I know it burns extra gas so I try not to do that to often.

  4. Absolutely pisses me off to no end!!! Hate it!!  I use the same method you do and it works great.  BTW, thats the only time I do tailgate.

  5. No, not terribly; my nerves aren't that high-strung. I'm free to drive whatever allowable speed I think is safe for me and my vehicle. If you wish to drive faster, then you are free to go around me.

    My typical response to aggressive drivers who flash their high beams and tailgate is just to drive even slower, frequently well below the speed limit. This is because I know it pisses them off even more, and that never ceases to bring a smile to my face.

  6. does tick me off.  Makes you want to put them 'in the wall'.  

    Unfortunately, if you would hit them in the rear due to tailgating, it would be YOUR fault.

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