
Doers anyone think that Manny Ramirez might need counseling?

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  1. The therapist would probably just diagnose it as "Manny being Manny."

  2. I personally do not think that he needs any counseling, I think he is a prime example of a player who still loves the game, he may need to grow upa bit, but I think he has the right idea enjoy the game after all that is all it is, a game.

  3. Why would he?!?? I like the Yankees, but he is still a good player.  And what makes you think he needs counseling??

  4. No. He's got the best attitude. Goes out, tries his best to win by always preparing, doesn't take himself or the game too seriously to enjoy, and doesn't like being jerked around by management.

  5. No, thats just his personality, as crazy as it may seem. I love his spontaneous nature and antics in the outfield.

    Manny being Manny........

  6. nah its MANNY BEING MANNY

  7. how can you say that?  

    you don't even know him.  away from the diamond, he is a normal guy, a father, generous (mr24 foundation) and likely very happy.  

    just cuz he keeps to himself, and isn't Mickey Mantle, always smiling, doesn't mean he needs counseling.

  8. I think a little hypnotherapy might help him catch the ball!!

  9. He is a great hitter..........but the guy is a joke. Did you see him laughing after he made that error Friday? WOW

    I'm sure his teammates weren't laughing.

  10. Haha... that guy is by far the most fun player to watch.

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