
Does 1 have the passion to write & then comes across a subject or comes across a subject first..?

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which then lights up the passion to write bout it?

What usually comes first?

{I was talking to my friend and I said I don't have this inner desire to write for publishing like so many writers do. she said "it's not becoz u don't have the desire, it's becoz you don't have a topic u r passionate bout yet".} Was she right?

What comes first in ur view..




  1. Personally, I've been dreaming about being a writer ever since I was six. My first chapter book sparked that desire in me. I just knew... that it was what i wanted to do. I feel these stories sort of... burning in my chest.

    Never, ever write for publishing alone. Write for yourself. Write like no one will ever read it. The odds of getting published for real are slim to none. It's a feat, a real accomplishment to actually get published. You should follow your passion. You dont even need a subject to write. Write characters, not "subjects." Your stories will have more life. You will be more passionate about people in the first place. What spurred the titanic? (I know its a movie, not a book, but work with me here) Was the movie a success simply because it was tragic and about the titanic? Or was it the characters?

    Take the same approach to writing. Write people. Subjects will come to you when you are ready for them. You'll be amazed at how fate will intervene.  

  2. Some people just have that imagination that goes on forever. Others just dont.

    Not to be rude but can you answer my question for me.

  3. For me I had this story brewing in my brain that I sort of day dreamed about.  Eventually the story  got really intricate.  I had been mentally "writing" it for the past 2 and a half years!  Then I thought, wow, I'd love to put this into words.  And when I realized I wanted to write, the next year as I went places and did things, three more stories came to me.

    You'll know it when it comes.

  4. Spelling comes first, in my view.

    Seriously, if you think spelling "because" as "becoz" is acceptable, and using idiot textspeak is okay, it's just as well you don't have any passion for writing.

  5. Either.  I sometimes have a dream that would have a great plot if it's in a story, and it seems really cool so i want to write about it.

    Others have been influenced and want to be a writer from an early age and can't think of a topic so they need help or something.

    Hope I helped!! O_o

  6. Your friend is SO wrong. If you're passionate about a subject you don't write for the publishing, you write for the thrill of it. That's where the passion is: writing because you love it. When you find a topic you love, you can't stay away and the "inner desire" heats up.

    An idea hit me in the face one day and I've stuck with it since. So for me, the idea came before the writing.

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