
Does 10 weeks seem too long to wait for a first ultrasound?

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Does 10 weeks seem too long to wait for a first ultrasound?




  1. No, it just depends on your provider.  Some only do one or two ultrasounds per pregnancy, so they'll wait until 20 weeks, so they can see all the anatomy/s*x/etc.  If they make you wait a long time, they can usually doppler the heartbeat to make sure everything seems fine.

    Some perform multiple ultrasounds.  At ten weeks, you should be able to see your little bean and his/her heartbeat quite easily, so it's a good timing for a first scan.  If they do it a few weeks earlier, sometimes they can't see these things yet and it stresses mommy out.

  2. I was 19 weeks when I got mine.

  3. Not at all.  I had my first one at 10 weeks.  As long as you aren't having really bad dizziness, bad pelvic pain, or pain in your shoulder and neck that are persistent, I wouldn't worry about waiting until 10 weeks.  Those could be signs of an ectopic pregnancy, which is one of the main reasons they do early ultrasounds.  They just want to make sure the baby is in the uterus, not the fallopian tubes, but I wouldn't worry too much about that.  The really early ultrasounds, 6 weeks,etc, often cause more harm than good because they can't locate the baby all the time, can't find the heartbeat, etc.  I got mine done at 10 weeks, and what is really nice about it is that you get to hear and see the heart beat :) Very comforting for any mommy to be! Congratulations!

  4. Not at all! It's standard between 10-12 weeks. Good luck!

  5. yes!!!!im only 5 weeks pregnant and ive known since last week its so annoying becuase time will go so slowly and all u can think about is getting the U/S to make sure everything is alright!!!

  6. No. Unless you are high risk or your doctor feels its necessary then most people don't get their first ultrasound until about halfway through. My doctor only gives me one ultrasound per pregnancy, with my first i was 26 weeks along and with my second i was 18 weeks along.  

  7. I waited until 17w 2d.  

  8. I'm 8 weeks and had my first scan last week.

    i know in some hospitals they aren't very generous and only scan you if necessarily and at certain points of the pregnancy!!

    A friend of mine had her first scan at 20 weeks

    Because she knew her dates

    i had a early scan as i didn't know my dates

  9. many dr's are different. some do them only once at 20 weeks while others do them at every visit. normally if there is no problems then they do not do ultrasounds too often.

  10. Not at all.  I only had one at 6 weeks because of some complications I have.

  11. Nope. If it isn't a high-risk pregnancy, the first ultrasound is usually between 18-20 weeks. I didn't even get scheduled for my first OBGYN appt. until I was a little over 10 weeks, since I knew my LMP date so I already knew how far I along I was.

  12. No. I was 8 weeks that was the first and only ultrasound I got so far(which I'm alittle upset about). My cousin is 11 weeks and just had her first one done.  

  13. No, I was at 12-14 weeks for mine.  

  14. unless there is something wrong, most women wait until around 20 weeks...

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