
Does 2 stroke oil go bad after sitting in a tank ie jet ski for 4 years?

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Does 2 stroke oil go bad after sitting in a tank ie jet ski for 4 years?




  1. Yeah it probably would absorb any moisture in and around the oil pan.

  2. the oil don't go bad ,it never goes bad ,if you mix gas with the oil and store it in a tank, then it goes bad,but the oil in the tank as long as nothing else hasn't been mixed with it still should be good,my boat motor is two stroke and the oil in it has been in it for almost three years,i don't use it that much,but the oil is still good,for no more than it would cost you could replace it though just to be sure about it,good luck.

  3. 4 yrs way to long>> drain clean & flush the tank & carb or enjection system before trying to start>Grease all bearings in pump> Have water hose connected before starting>idle for 5 minutes before reving up>

  4. Not really.

    The oil is not hygroscopic, meaning it won't attract a moisture infusion. It can be emulsified with moisture if in an open container and agitated (such as when a head gasket blows, and coolant gets into the oil). Oil in an engine shouldn't be used if allowed to set that long, it will may have absorbed hydrocarbons from the engine.

    Yours has been in a sealed container, not exposed to any outside contaminants, such as light, or moisture. Just as some of the answers here are opposed and split on the subject, the oil industry/user base is also. Do a ggogle search "two stroke oil shelf life" and you will get answers of it stays good for 2 years, to it will stay good forever!

    Even though crude has gone over $125.00 a barrel, a quart of 2-stroke oil is not overly expensive. The first answerer gave good advice. If you have a concern,  why bother to even risk it? Siphon off, or even remove and drain the old and go with new.

    I bought a Polaris 750 six years ago. Haven't run it much, but it still has the same oil in the tank. I may have topped it off once, but it will have been with the same gallon of oil I bought then. Ski runs great!

  5. you could run it but then you'd have to clean the motor out or the oil will gum the motor up

  6. There is absolutely no reason to risk it. Pump out as much as you can, and fill with fresh.

    Make sure you have a fresh tank of premium in the gas tank too. I would also recommend running SeaFoam on every tank thru this season.

  7. Yes it does..... PERIOD......

    Why risk damage to your engine???

    As with all boats and PWC strict maintenance and upkeep are the key to avoid costly mistakes in the future. Flush it out and add new oil and gas before running.,

    I have a 20 year old Force 125 on my boat, that still runs like new. Only because of lots of care and TLC.. I.E. running with fresh water every time it is ran in a brackish or saltwater environment and completely washing my boat after everytime I take it out. I even wash my boat and flush the motor with with fresh water after taking it out on Sat. before I take it out again the next day.

    Boat parts are very very expensive so why risk it?????

    Just my take on your question..

    Good Luck


  8. Yes, also in the engine. Clean everything including filters.

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