
Does 2:20 count or should I come back later?

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Religion and spirituality. You guys rock. I have a lot of fun playing around, answering questions. I've been on here for a while now. I started out on here as a fundie by the name of Puritan. I used to get a lot of slack and flack, but things have somewhat turned around in my life. I guess I'm a deist now, but it's been a painful process.

I used to sit back and read about four chapters of the bible a day with a pen and paper. I would say I have a lot of biblical knowledge. I can't come away from reading the Bible that intently for so long without coming away feeling like the Bible has molded me to some extent.

I came to a point where I wanted to speak to God so bad that I decided I would confide in him by saying, "Whatever power you are that set the world into motion, let me worship you because I see a greater beauty in the universe. Let's be friends. Let me not worship Jesus if he isn't really who you are."

This gave me a greater understanding of the concept of life with just me and God and no dogmatic interruption.

I admit it was sad because I started to realize that I really couldn't be sure of anything. This has been an existential experience that I have had to undergo soberly.

It has actually made me appreciate Jesus more, whether he be real or literary. I like to believe that it has at the worst been Socrates' noble lie. I morn for him as if he were a member of my family passed on to the other realm.

I'll still give the little girls, who cling to ecclesiastical leanings, thumbs up while both smiling and praying with them.

Metta and Sat Nam

Two hours early--does 2:20 count?




  1. Just picture yourself somewhere two time zones away.

    You've heard the expression "It's five o'clock somewhere"?  Same thing.

  2. Sounds like you were working for salvation the whole time, instead of believing in faith alone that Jesus did really pay your whole sin debt on the cross, that it truly is FINISHED.

    You were never saved in the first place. You can be saved, though.  

    Salvation is never by works.  Salvation is by faith alone.  You can hear the Word, and read the Word, and study the Word, but if it is not mixed with faith, then you are in the same lost situation as the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness.

    You need faith alone in the fact that Jesus, who is God, died for your sins on the cross and rose again.  Then you will be saved.

  3. Youza!  You can't possibly be serious!

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