
Does 'Aliens or ET creatures' really do exists?

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I've read several Journals and Books about ALIENS and UFO, and even seen such Pictures of it... but, is it really true?is there any real proof that could satisfy my curiosity?............




  1. At present there is no proof known to the public that aliens exist but its likely there are many alien civilisations in the universe. Communication seems unlikely and contact is near-impossible.

  2. Other intelligent races may exist around some distant star.  We will never know.  Interstellar distances are too vast and cannot be crossed.  If they exist and if interstellar travel were possible, they should be here.    They are not here. This is the Fermi Paradox. If interstellar travel were possible, a race should be able to colonize the entire galaxy in less than 15 million years.  While there are other answers to the paradox, the most logical is that interstellar travel is impossible.  

  3. I would recomend the DVD "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which is an excellent introduction to the Billy Meier case - the evidence is presented for viewing and listening to.  While this evidence is on different sites, etc on the Internet - it is all nicely presented on the DVD.  Also take note of the "Let's Talk Paranormal" television programme, in which Michael Horn is interviewed - and summarises the Billy Meier case clearly.  There are two programmes of this.

    Also you can read this information ...

    (also [English Discussion Board])

    Which shows there is a great deal of content here to read and absorb - filling you in on a great many things.  I have researched this for the past 5 years - and am satisfied that it is worth spending your time on.  You really need some kind of foundation to guide you, in this area - and this is it.  My own thinking was already along these lines - and so I was already in agreement with most of it, before I started reading it.

    This whole area needs to be de-mystified for the public --- mainly because of the cover up by governments, and the complete aloofness of the scientific community --- not wanting to become involved, for fear of career suicide.

  4. I don't know, but I DO know that Area 51 does have an alien captured in there. And also, we can't be the only ones in this whole entire Milky Way Galaxy? I mean, there has to be someone else out there, we can't be the only ones.  

  5. There is no demonstrated connection between UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

    It is likely extraterrestrial life exists, but the first life we are likely to run across will be simple species because those evolve first and in greater numbers than complex organisms.  We may run across those within travel range of Earth.

    The gentleman claiming that he has knowledge of captured intelligent aliens at Area 51 is invited to substantiate his claim.

  6. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in town:

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special in store for you soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' that are somewhat similar to your appearance and just in time for 2012! The craft are really New World Order vehicles. As for 'aliens', think more along the lines of extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew this ahead of time, and do NOT accept this:

  7. There are billions of star in our galaxy. Billions of galaxies.

    It is likely there is life elsewhere, but no hard evidence we have been visited.

  8.   They do exist and one day we may get proof of their existence but we will never meet them.

  9. no one knows

  10. Aliens probably do exist, but we as yet have absolutely no hard evidence--let alone proof--of this.

    The universe is a very big place. How strange would it be if this tiny little dirt clod is the only one of trillions to have life on it? Still, they all are very far apart. Given our current understanding of physics, it's hard to see how it could ever be practical to travel between them.

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