
Does 'Bedtime for francis' frighten children?

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On, a number of parents are complaining about the children's picture book 'Bedtime for Francis'. They say that it's unsutiable for children because Papa Badger smokes a pipe and threatens to spank Francis at the end of the story.

They say it encourages children to solve their night time problems without the help of parents and has scary images like 'monsters' and bad words like 'spanking' and bad themes of parents ignoring their child. Would you want your children to hear about spankings or read about Francis facing a monster alone?

As a children's picture book author, I'm wondering what I can say now. Keep in mind, I wouldn't protray a spanking or encourage child abuse (completely different from a spanking, by the way), but what can I do without causing a firestorm of controversy? It seems any discipline for naughty behavior (even comical) is bound to incure the wrath of parents.

I'd appreciate your feedback.




  1. it didnt scare me as a child. i mean come on it is a book. parents are to lite with thier kids now. i grew up just fine. i have 2 boys i am a SAHM and i have my own house. i really dont feel that book it scary at all and people need to lighten up really. and you have ignore your child sometimes to show them you mean business. really what is this world coming to.

  2. Papa Badger? What will they think of next, a ban on Little Bo Peep?

    There are always going to be some crazy, overprotective parents. My advice would be to ignore them. Children's tales are full of terrible stuff -- child-eating witches, the death of one's parents, what have you. As I see it, it serves a purpose by introducing children to risk and evil in a safe environment. Strip children's books of the imaginary darkness and they'll be unprepared when they meet the real thing as adults.

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