
Does 'experience' mean Washington DC experience only,,?

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if that is what qualifies as experience then US will never 'change'




  1. When speaking of Obama "experience" means zero, providing he claims to have any.

  2. No. But I don't think all political experience is created equal.  Running Wasilla is not the same as running Houston or Chicago or NYC or Miami.

    18 months as governor of Alaska isn't the same as governor of a state with bigger budgets, population, etc.

  3. Executive experience. It can't be had in DC other than the White House.

  4. It means political experience, domestic, foreign and international. It does not mean local and civic, like being the mayor of a small town. Did you know that every professional position, besides that of being a politician, requires a college degree (usually a graduate degree) and certification? All someone has to do to be a politician is convice enough people the he/she will best represent them. I think this needs to change. If you want to go into politics there should be a minimun educational and certification requirement.  

  5. It's a bit difficult to get experience on veterans affairs or international relations in a state government.

    Obama, on the other hand, as a US Senator sits on these powerful committees:

    * Foreign Relations

    * Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

    * Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

    * Veterans' Affairs

  6. No.  But you'd want a president (and thus VP) to have some foreign policy experience.  Palin has none. Obama is a U.S. Senator and has more experience with national and international issues each day than the mayor of a small town and governor of a state that would be the 20th largest city in the U.S. has had over her entire career.

  7. no.  hugs baby!

    remember hillary's prior experience was whitehouse xmas decorating

    the beltway DC is dirtied with lobbyists & officials.

    let's start tossing out the dirty laundry


  8. It means sitting in a POW cage for 5 years after crashing your plane, surrendering to the enemy, and giving them information about your fellow soldiers to get medical treatment for yourself.  

  9. If experience means "Washington" experience, then I'll take someone without it. Obama, the "change" candidate, picked the status quo. Palin has more experience than Obama.  

  10. Being a governor has always been better experience than being a senator.    Just ask Bill Clinton.

  11. No, good point. I agree.  Republicans shouldn't criticize Obama for lack of experience while he has been serving Americans for decades.

  12. I believe executive/ leadership experience is what we really need to look for. So in answer to your question, the answer is no.  McCain, and  Palin both have it. Palin has accomplished more in her time as mayor and governor than many who have been in Washington for years.

    Obama, Hillary and Biden do not have that kind of experience in Washington or any where else.  Hillary had two terms as a senator, which is not in anyway shape or form experience in leadership.  The same is true for Biden and Obama.

    We need someone who has shown real reform in the past, and has not just used glorifying rhetoric to get elected.  Speeches are nice, but actions do speak louder than words.


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