
Does'nt turing on airconditioning and turning on a fan at the same time make it warmer?

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We have a dam spa in the house, a heater, its about 100 degrees in here. Were using a portable air conditioner, my mom thinks turning it "on" from one direction and using a fan on the other side would make it cooler. I believe the fan gives of warmer air, and de-circulates the air coming from the air conditioning, and she just thinks I'm wrong .......The AC only stays at 88 degrees.....isn't the fan interfering with the air conditioning?????




  1. The spa is putting out more heat than the portable can reject.

    It's all about heat input and output.

    You will need a bigger BTU A/C unit to keep up with the spa so go with a bigger unit or do without the spa or move it to an unconditioned area of the home.

  2. Air circulation on skin makes the room feel colder (even though it is not in reality). Air circulation will not interfere with the AC unit BUT cool air sinks into hot air. The fan would mix the hot and the cold and while this mixing would cool the room more evenly, it might make it feel a tad warmer than it otherwise would depending on where you sit and ceiling height.

    Sounds like you should get rid of the heater or the very least turn it off.

  3. no. she's right. You are wrong. Well she is partially right. The fan if its a box fan should be place the same direction as the air conditioner, it will circulate the cold air faster. If its a ceiling fan just turn it on, it will circulate the cold air faster as well.

  4. It depends upon what you mean by a "portable air conditioner".  I recently saw an add for an air over ice "air conditioner".  If that's what you have then blow away.  Any air over that ice is going to make it colder as long as you are matching the existing airflow.  (This unit as a by product increases humidity which means it is usually only useful in a dry climate.  When the humidity is higher WE FEEL warmer because it is harder for us to evaporate liquids {sweat}).

    But in the trade what used to be considered a portable is a real air conditioner with pipes and and evaporator and compressor that sits on 4 tiny wheels and has a pipe that you are supposed to put in a window.  It takes water out of the air as a product of it's operation.  Most of the modern units send the condensate out of the pipe but some have a condensate drain that you have to run into a house drain.

    There are split units that move a lot of air quietly but most air conditioners try to mix up the air with a rather strong blower.  They don't do the best job so another fan in the room mixing up the air isn't a bad idea.  

    The spa is putting out some humidity as well as heat.  If you can't isolate it from the rest of the house (walls and separate room) it will be a problem.  Does it at least have a cover on it?  

    The AC should be putting out at least 20 deg and usually more less than the air it is pulling in.  Sounds like your AC is having trouble keeping up.  That might be a problem.

    Try blowing your fan up or down rather than sideways to see if that is a help.  

    Experiment.  If you are not going to be able to invest in some new equipment then you will have to make do with what you have.  Take a cold shower and see what makes you comfortable.

  5. idk that's tuf turn the fan away see if that help's

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