
Does $462B Exxon-Mobile still fund anti-GW propaganda?

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It makes good business sense for a company making over $40B in profits to spend some of that money for PR campaigns that will help them continue their profits. Apparently, at least $19 million was spent by Exxon-Mobile to fund PR that cast doubt on global warming (who knows how much has been spent by the really big national oil companies and coal companies). Yet in 2006, Exxon-Mobile was called on the carpet to demonstrate some corporate responsibility and stop funding such deceptive groups. Have they cleaned up their act, or merely found better ways to funnel money that are harder to trace?




  1. Does the multi-trillion US government still fund pro-AGW propaganda?

  2. GE pays many times more on Pro-AGW warming then Exxon pays for skeptism.... Just leveling the field on this...

  3. It is at the pinnacle of hypocrisy that warmers bring up big oil. Their side has become so bias, that it has become necessary for oil companies to defend themselves by funding some research that might paint a different picture than the alarmism science the left has been spewing about. See how much government funding is being done concerning alternative causes of climate change. If you don't promote CO2 and human activities causing the warming, you get no funding. It's sickening.

  4. Heaven forbid they defend themselves.

    Should the UN stop funding the denial of a known past warm period?

    And Dana, Heritage Foundation publishes largely on economic issues.    Are you suggesting that Robert Rector's poverty studies are somehow off-base because Exxon gives money to Heritage, or that they want Robert Rector to come to this or that conclusion about how many people living below the poverty line have cable tv out of concern about the climate?

    Businesses donating money to pro-economic-freedom think-tanks is as legitimate as former political prisoners donating money to Amnesty International, or homosexuals donating money to homosexual rights groups, or gun-owners donating money to the NRA.

    Some "lobbies" seek to get the government to give them special breaks at the expense of others, or to limit others.

    Other "lobbies" seek only to get the government to leave their constituents alone.

    What would Jefferson say?   He's say it's a shame that the government has to be bribed into not stomping on liberty.

  5. Exxon claims that they've stopped, however they're still funding right-wing think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, Heartland Institute, and George C. Marshall Institute, and these right-wing groups are still spreading misinformation about global warming (most recently the Heritage Foundation with their "conference" which was no more than an anti-AGW PR stunt).

    Basically Exxon is only indirectly funding anti-AGW propaganda these days.

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