
Does ALL water have salt in it?

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And does desani, ice mountain, smart water ect. all have at least the tiniest amount of salt in it?




  1. yes just a pinch to clean it out

  2. you can get purifiers that prevent salt from water I have searched a lot of references and it appears yes.

  3. i think so.

    they purify it

    wen the put it in bottles so..

  4. "the tiniest amount" well define that in scientific terms.

    Is there at least one molecule of a chemical salt in any water outside of really high tech lab.  Yup.

    Is there a measurable amount of table salt (NaCl) in water from natural souce - say 1 part per billion - probably.

    Is there enough table salt to have any meaning in natural supplies of water - nope.

    Does distilled water have measureable salts of any kind - not by normal measures.

  5. I'm not sure about any specific additions of salt to water - but most water has some minerals.  

    However - you want the "purest" water, I'd say try Penta.

  6. Yes. Salt is pretty pervasive. Almost all water has some.

    That's why we used distilled water in chem. lab.s.

    BTW: If the water had no salt at all, it would be unhealthy to drink, as you would lose necessary electrolytes as it passed through your system.

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