
Does ANY of the people who just became citizens in the U.S. know ANYTHING about our POLITICS???

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MrPotato; oh, you mean they are acting deliberately obtuse.

dino: If you've never taken it how would you know?

Tamala: You are making an assumption. Not all people who come here desire 'good' for Americans.

Desert: You are also assuming that everyone that comes here wants to be a citizen when plainly that is NOT the case.

Wild-man: I don't have a clue what you are trying to say.

jperrit: I would STRONGELY suggest professional help and possibly medication.




  1. Yes. Far more so than citizens who were born here. I coached my father towards gaining his citizenship. He had to read and comprehend a document which less than one in five U.S. born citizens has ever read: the U.S. Constitution.

  2. yes.  Foreigners are usually more informed than most US Citizens

  3. Why ?

    You need to be more specific.

    What do you mean "Politics" ...Like none of the candidates are talking about the "issues" ? Like Health care, social security, the seniors, etc.etc. That they only talk about their personalities.  That the candidates keep putting themselves down and critisize one another in front of the world ? That Popular votes don't count vote for a member of the electoral college ...who say he/she will vote for your candidate and then accept bribery and vote for the other candidate that you don't like ?

    And then that people keeps voting for more and more bonds and debts ...for the schools etc. etc. to increase your property taxes ...and the money is used to give themselves pay raises ?   They vote to increase taxes to the middle class and the rich gets richer and the poor stay the same and get more welfare. Only the middle class get poorer...

    That we might get a mormom president or a muslin president ?  Or whatever ?

    Believe me they know more than you or me.

  4. Absolutely!  Probably more than John or Jane Q. Public.  Most Americans don't read, or pay any attention to politics.

    Folks who CHOOSE to be citizens take far more serious their role in society.

  5. Don't be too smug. Most people who bother to become citizens here can run rings around the typical American concerning political knowledge.

  6. I would hope so or else why immigrate there.

  7. they are allowed here so they can become voter's?????? don't ya think?????? corrupt as h**l

  8. Mostly those who jump ship.

    With communication problems.

    Do not even know a thing.

    Look in the real world.

    How they keep on calling themselves as people of different races of self racism in different home-land.

    When all along they wanted to be American.

    Seemed the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of their past ancestor's were following them too.

    With all the mess out there.

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

  9. They probably know more than most people who were born here.  They have to pass a test that a lot of people would fail.

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