
Does Abercrombie really not like Asians?

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I seen that shirt with the racist cartoon on it, but I notice I never seen any Asian models, besides this one Hawaiian / Korean girl they put I guess for pity and those lawsuits. I think in this area the most popular brand for an Asian girl to wear is AF, and I know AF knows that more then one group of people like to buy their clothes

We spending so much money on their clothes, and they can't even put one model up there, I find it insulting. Making their pockets rich while they are insisting certain people are not good enough to sell their clothes, but good enough to buy... Sometimes I feel like I don't even belong in the store, maybe they its a sign I don't.

How hard is it to find an attractive Asian girl? Why stop at Asian, Why are they so close minded in representing anyone beside the very narrowed view of what their models should look like.




  1. Well i'm sorry but, asians are always doing there calculus so they can't make them go out of the calculus cave.


  2. they are TOTAl racists.

    i hate that store...

  3. well i dont like abercrombie, and i think they should change it, but the "look" they are going towards is "all american classic cool" i think they want their models to be american looking.

  4. They seems to be All American, Don't shop there it is a waste of money

  5. If you don't like what they represent then don't buy their product.

    No one is forcing you to wear it.

  6. Abercrombie is a cheap, trashy, middle-American-I-think-I'm-rich-  but really-I'm-not kind of brand.  It's for country hicks.  People in the city need more than a logo to come off as looking stylish.  Basically what I'm saying is that real fashionistas would never wear Abercrombie in the first place.  It's cheapy and trashy and has no sense of style.  You can find more cool and trendy styles in Wet Seal than you can in there, and that's saying something!  I actually haven't seen anyone but white people wearing Abercrombie, but it seems like they only do that when they're doing sports and sleeping and stuff.  No one could possibly wear that for style because they don't make anything but logo shirts.

  7. hey im black and asain so its a double wammy for me i dont think ive seen one black model either. i agree with you 100 %

  8. who gives a f*ck what abercrombie thinks.. theyre racist against anyone whos different. they want us all to be preppy robot clones. and its working in this society.. -_- if a guy doesnt have a 84 pack and actually wears a shirt once in awhile, then hes ugly and im so sick of it.

  9. Please read this:

  10. tbh i really like AF because i like casual clothes and i think its a good store for my taste in style but everyone has there own opinions but let me just point this out, look at the majority of other stores, there isn't really alot of other asian models representing them either, its not just AF. tbh there isn't really alot of asian models, it'd be cool if there was dont get me wrong but there isnt.


  11. I think height is a major issue, not being racist or anything like that but majority of asians are not tall enough to be models, but it also has something to do where the shops are located, "white middle class" areas so that is the image they project.

    But i understand where your coming from.

  12. Hmm.. interesting. Yeah, abercrombie proposes for all of us to look s**y in very revealing things.   Have you seen some of the girls?   They are like so stickly, it's not even funny.    I always feel like this fat lard whenever i go in there because they have all of these super thin people surrounding me.   That's why i stopped shopping there.  

    I'm sorry if this had nothing to do with asian people, but what i say is that well most people i guess each have something that makes them attractive.

  13. no offence

    but i find it rather annoying how asians are always complain about not being represented in the media.really no offfence...i have asian in me,but its just so tired. no abercrombie does not hate y'all its just there aren't many asian models i guess. dont take it personal really.

  14. Abercrombie really only has half-naked white models. I don't understand why they are half-naked for a CLOTHING store. It's overpriced. They are a crazy company, so i don't buy from them.

  15. The store probably dosen't even care what people think they just want to make tons of money, I wish more people were like you !

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