
Does Adam Sandler's daughter frighten anybody else?

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  1. A little messed up, don't you think? I wouldn't want anybody picking on my kids.

  2. Ok im going to put this in a nice way: She looks like a cross dressing version of her father. ( and that right there is scary enough)

  3. EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! What IS that thing?????!!!!!! YUCK!


  4. LMFAO! its sadie sandler! hahaha me and my friends think shes the ugliest baby EVER. and i know that sounds mean but come on! anyone who says otherwise is just tryin to get themselves a best answer!!!

    and yes she scares the c**p outta me!! shes all pale and freaky. ahh!

  5. Well she doesn't really frighten me, but she is really pale.

  6. you really know how to hurt a guy.





    i think she's a cutie.

    someday she will grow up and steal all of your boyfriends ...








  7. Holy ****... yes.  

  8. OMG!! She looks possessed!!! Like her daddy in the movie "little nicky" creepy girl.

  9. ha ha thats funny she got his looks now she is doom

  10. ....hopefully she will grow out of it

  11. holy sh*t! i'd never seen her before but she does now

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