
Does Air Force One have parachutes on board incase something happens?

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Does Air Force One have parachutes on board incase something happens?




  1. They might have parachutes on board, but I doubt if the White House will reveal it.  It's probably a secret.


  3. Last time I looked, yes.  It also has an escape capsule.

  4. yes

  5. I helped build both the aircraft known as Air Force One (when the president is on board). They do not have parachutes. They are equipped with special equipment . Everything else said here so far is either a fabrication or something seen in the movies and not true. Specific information is classified. Technically, any aircraft can be Air Force One. Any time the President is on an aircraft it's call sign becomes AF1.

  6. yeah.. some of them

  7. You just cant jump out of an aircraft! Not saying that they cant set it up so it is easy. Even in a slow 172 people think you can just "jump out". I am 240lbs and I cant even get the door open enough to let a 100 lb person jump out. Jump aircraft have special doors. Aerodynamics just does not allow the movie stuff to work in real life. The only aircraft that carry chutes are military and skydiving aircraft.

  8. Like WHATS gonna happen?????????

  9. every millitary plane will have parachutes on board, (RAF WSOC) it will also provide life rafts, and other safety gear, helmets ect.

  10. There is soooo much cool sh*t aboard any aircraft that carries the president. Air Force One is just the name the plane is given when the President is aboard. If it was a navy flight, it would be Navy One. and so on and so forth...

  11. I have been on Air Force One.

    No, it does not carry parachutes and no it does not have an escape capsule - that's a movie idea.  

    Actually two identical aircraft fly every time AF One makes a trip with the President.  That makes it a 50/50 chance of getting the right one by the bad guys. It does have chafe, flare and other anti-missle dispensers to draw heat and radar seeking missles away from the aircraft. It also has extensive electronic counter-measures to jam and create false radar signals.

    For Nick:  No fabrication and the counter-measures are not classified. BTW I'm a 30 year USAF veteran who has also been stationed at Groom Lake, NV. I don't need to fabricate anything for anyone.

  12. The Hollywood Version

    Air Force One got its Hollywood close-up in the 1997 Harrison Ford movie "Air Force One." While some of the details in the set are inspired by the real thing, the movie takes major artistic liberties. The Air Force says the real plane does not have an escape pod, as depicted in the movie, or even onboard parachutes. Of course, an escape pod could be one of the many special features the Air Force won't talk about.

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