
Does Air Freshener Bother Hamsters ? && Does It Help Stop The Cage Smelling If Not What Does Stop The Smell ?

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I Want A Hamster But My Mum Thinks The Hamster Cage Will Smell !

Does Air Freshener Bother Hamsters ?


Does It Stop The Cage From Smelling ?

Thanks !

XD =] XD




  1. Yes, an air freshener will bother the hamster. If you clean out the caage once a week, it will not smell. Just to let you know, hamsters clean themselves, so they don't smell, but their cages do.

  2. hi. i used to have hamsters and had the sane problem.

    i used bicarbonate of soda.

    when changing them out put the cage in the bath with a little water and some bicarb. this neutralises the acid in his wee taking away the smell.

    make sure you rinse it well as it may make the hammy poorly.

    i don't know if it bothers them. it didn't mine when sprayed in the room.

    also a slice of lemon in the cage helps the smell when its waiting to be changed, a slice every 2 days as when its dried out the lemon doesn't cover it. also this wont hurt hammy if he eats some. after hes tried it he probs wont go back! :)

    hope it helps

  3. Air fresheners bother all small rodents, a lot. They are very susciptible to airway problems. I do not even use hairspray and deodorant around mine.

    The way to stop a cage from smelling is to keep it clean. Clean it weekly. Try and encourage the hamster to go "potty" in one specefic area, and clean that daily. You can do this by putting some shredded paper in a corner.

  4. A good sized cage with proper air ventilation.

    Proper bedding that's good as odor control.

    Weekly cage cleaning, and daily spot-cleaning.

    Air fresheners DO bother the sensitive respiratory systems of many rodents. It's best to avoid those and just do everything possible to prevent the odor in the first place, instead of just trying to cover it up.

    Hamsters do have an odor, like most pets. The strength of the odor relies on the ability of the owner to keep a clean environment.

  5. forest does have a point...clean them out once a week...

    you could always spray a whole can of air freshener in the cage...but i should think your hamsters would die of suffocation...

  6. Forget about using scented air freshners or those sprays and plug in's.  Just read the caution statements and that was enough for me.

    Go out and get a few of the FRIDGE IT activated carbon odor absorbers.

    It was originally recommended by a friend for my hermit crabs which really smelled.   I now use it around house - fridge, under sinks, near trash, closets, cabinet and even litter box (cats). It really helps to keep house smelling clean. I love them.

    So, suggest you get some of the FRIDGE-IT activated carbon odor absorbers - little purple cube - not the imitations.

    You can buy these in kitchen gadget stores or just go direct which is what I do - contact them at and ask for order form. You get it right away.

    Definitely the way to go. try it.

    Good luck

  7. Air fresheners can bother humans let alone hamsters!

    A hamster cage wont smell if you clean it out thoroughly on a weekly basis.  You may also need to remove very soiled bedding every few days.

    My guy gets cleaned out once a week thoroughly, that is full bedding removal and the cage cleaned with disinfectant.  As he is old, he tends to drink more and soil the corner of his cage more frequently, so this part of his bedding gets removed when necessary.

    As I always say to others, there is also an expense involved with hamsters through cost of bedding, food, cages and also vets bills when something goes wrong - the latter can run to nearly £100!  If you are not in a position to pay for this yourself, someone else will have to - maybe your Mum!

  8. It is NOT safe to spray an air-freshener in a hamster's cage, because their little lungs can't handle that kind of pollution.  The chemicals in the air freshener, which humans tolerate just fine, can really harm a little pet like a hamster.  The only way to keep them from smelling is to clean their cage every day, or every other day at the very least.  Buy those cedar chips- they smell better than the pine when the hamster goes potty on it, and they're supposed to be better for them than pine shavings anyway.

  9. i wudnt use air freshnr spray if i wos u but th othr kind wud b ok 2 keep in th room and u can buy scentd saw dust 4 th cage its not 2 bad in price eithr..mak..

  10. If you clean out the cage properly and frequently it will not smell and you won't need the air freshener - hamsters are very clean little creatures.

  11. Hamsters dont smell if you clean them out weekly

  12. Hamsters have very delicate respiratory systems so they can be effected by many things that may not bother humans.  Air fresheners even bother me and make me reach for my inhaler for my asthma.

    This is the same reason why you should NEVER use cedar for bedding.  It contains phenols which can damage the respiratory tract.

    The way to stop the cage from smelling is to use a good bedding and change it frequently.  I found Carefresh worked quite well for me and aspen was ok.  I changed twice a week and scooped out dirty areas once a day.  I have 10 animals and my house smells nice and clean, it's because I change their bedding/litter boxes frequently.

  13. Air freshener can be poisonous to hamsters, do NOT use that!

    The cage will be fine as long as you clean it once or twice a week.

  14. Hamsters dont smell when you clean them out every 2 weeks. If you spray air freshners or anythign near them except form animal frendly stuff , you could kill them.

  15. pls dont use air fresheners,the smell might harm your hamsters. just change their bedding weekly and if dont want it to smell at all change the place where they pee every other day caz the bedding will barely be wet so it wont smell. there is also this kind of bedding or something that u can buy at any pet store that keeps it from smelling but i never tried it.

  16. plz do not use any air freshener

    it is really bad for the hammster

    good luck with hammy

  17. Air freshener is very bad for hamsters and would only cover up the smell.  You can get safe sprays from the pet store to spray on the hamster and the bedding but the real answer is just to keep the cage very clean.  Do not buy scented litter as that really bothers the hamsters.  

    If you do a thorough clean one a week and replace soiled bedding and old food daily then it won't smell.  Hamsters don't smell as they clean themselves all the time.  Also removing soiled bedding os easy as they go to the toilet in only one or two places in the cage: not all over it.  you can even buy tiny hamster litter boxes to put in the cage and they can be trained to use that!

  18. (dont use the spray kind!!!)(this paragraph is for the kind that plug into the wall)if it is not strong and not really close to the cage it will be no problem, but if it is strong and close to the cage, i dont know, but it might give  him respiratory problems. I wouldn't put air freshener near the cage. But it might stop the smell. what else might help, is putting an air filter close to the cage. i did it and it helps alot!

    -hope i helped!

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