
Does Airlines (including Air Canada) have sufficient parachutes aboard to use during an emergency?

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All these years, I have seen the air hostess demonstrating all the apparatus which we can use for low pressure, if we land on water etc. But I have never seen any instruction about having to jump from an airplane using a parachute. Is there anyone who has seen a parachute in a commercial air line, or any instructions as to "how to use a parachute". It looks to me that if something happens to the airline while it is away from a water body, the passengers will definitely have to die by jumping from heights such as 20000ft.




  1. So what you're saying is that if the aircraft is "landlocked" and there's not a body of water around to land that sucker in, the passengers are screwed?

    Not quite. Check that safety features pamphlet in the seat pocket in front of you. There are procedures for emergency land landings, too.

    And besides - it's virtually impossible to open the emergency exit at 20000 feet. Unless you're Superman or the Incredible Hulk.

  2. Someone actually lived when they dropped out of a plane from 30,000 ft, but it's unlikely 200+ passenegers will.

  3. The airlines do not stock parachutes aboard their aircraft.  They never have.  This is why you have never seen any instructions on parachute procedures.

  4. The reason airlines do not have these is that the sheer concept isn't feasable. Airline cabin's are pressurized, so as soon as you would open a door to"jump" you would be sucked out by the pressure change and you also would not be able to breath. Parachuting correctly also takes time and practice to master i.e. skydivers, so it wouldn't be feaseable to jump from a plane because almost no one on said aircraft would know how to correctly do it.  

  5. There are no parachutes for passengers on commercial airines. Dream about it!

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