
Does Al Gore contribute to Global warming when he talks?

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Does Al Gore contribute to Global warming when he talks?




  1. I agree with Johnnie. After getting bashed for his outrageous electric bills at his Brentwood (Nashville) home last year, he began practicing what he preached and installed solar panels, energy efficient light bulbs, etc....only to end up having EVEN HIGHER electric bills. Now that was really efficient, wasn't it!

    The man can't open his mouth without spewing nauseous fumes.

  2. Yeah, sure, by emitting Carbon Dioxide, but I think that the message he gets out compensates for the small about of CO2 that he lets out when he breathes.

  3. No but if the people ever find out how much he has cost us . Things will heat up. Our teacher should receive a proper amount of punishment  for teaching a LIE.

  4. after this last winter, i heard on major news networks that there is more ice now in the polar ice caps than there has been in the last 100 years, even considering the ice age scare of the 1970's.  here in the pacific  northwest it actually snowed on june 9th.   i dont know about al gore, but im not in a state of panic just yet, not enough to pay killers for their oil when we could drill for our own.   id rather give my money to the "rich greedy" american oil tycoons who profit obscenely by 8 pennies per gallon of gasoline and are not wishing me dead.

  5. Al Gore doesn't influence or affect solar activity (the driving force of climate change).  His speeches have no affect on the Earth's climate, but they certainly sway the simple-minded.

  6. The only contribution Al Gore makes is the lies him and every other enviromental nutjob tell .Global warming is a big scam what is occuring on our planet is a natural cycle, carbon dioxide is a natural life sustaining element ,trees and plants breathe it in and exhale it as oxygen for us to breathe, so Al Gore is full of hot air but nothing for any of us to worry about as long as you don,t  pay any attention to it .

  7. the entire world population does..when we open all our mouths...think of all the hot air we put out...

  8. Al Gore is the spokes person for big oil, nobody is profiting more from global warming, than major, oil & gas companies.

  9. HA HA! The global warm-o-meter goes up 10% when he talks. He's like a fire breathing dragon, with a skraggliy looking beard.

  10. I'm willing to say yes. The toxic stench coming out of his mouth has 10 times the effect any supposed greenhouse gas has on humans. I hear he also has a negative effect on human sanity.

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