
Does Al Gore profit from "Carbon Credits"?

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Does Al Gore profit from "Carbon Credits"?




  1. Yes

  2. Al gore is head of a huge corporation that sells carbon credits.

  3. I suspect many wise investors will be making profit from "Carbon Credits" over the next decade.  So what?  Does that somehow discount the mountains of scientific evidence that anthropogenic global warming is real and serious enough that we need to address it ASAP?

  4. Oh yeah!  Just check out the firm he and a couple of Goldman Sachs managers put together to profit from the "carbon market":

    Founded in 2004...two years before "An Inconvenient Truth" was released.

    Edit:  GIM and carbon markets (that's where carbon credits are bought and sold to laymen)...

    "KPCB will continue to invest in startup venture capital; Generation will continue to invest in global public equities. The two teams will collaborate on opportunities spanning sectors such as renewable energy technologies, building efficiency, cleaner fossil energy, sustainable agriculture and carbon markets."

    That means numbers 4 and 6 in another answer directly profit from carbon credits, with number 5 working as a national ad campaign for both of them.

    (It helps to dig deeper than Wiki)

  5. You bet your boots that snake is.  It is so sick of him scaming the dummy's that way.

  6. He's giving all his money from the Inconvenient Truth movie and the cash award from his Nobel Prize to his new $300 million dollar campaign to educate the world on the need to act on global warming.

    Why is it that you criticize his rather large carbon footprint, with his large house and wealth and then criticize him when he pays for carbon credits to offset that?  

    The credits go to some business that is green.

  7. You bet your carbon footprint he makes money off of carbon offsets.  Algore is a snake-oil salesman.  The mainstream media is conveniently quiet about this whole situation.  So, let's see.  Algore whips up global warming alarmism through Kyoto and his conveniently untruthful movie.  Algore founds a carbon offset company (Generation Investment Management) that stands to make billions if the agenda his non-profit group (Alliance for Climate Protection) is pushed into law.  Why do we not hear about this ad nauseum in the press?

    It is despicable the way the press has treated Algore in the whole AGW debate.  Whether it is the blatant inaccuracies in his movie or his blatant conflict of interest, Algore has been given a free pass.  One day, however, it will be painfully obvious to everyone that the whole AGW theory is much ado about nothing and that Algore was trying to supplement his oil profits with carbon offset profits.

  8. Oh no, he spends them on his plane, so it all evens out.. HA!!!!!

  9. According to the Wiki page on Gore he has the following jobs

    (1) Chairman, Current TV

    (2) Director on the board, Apple Inc

    (3) Unofficial advisor to Google

    (4) Chairman, Generation Investment Management

    (5) Chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection

    (6) Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

    The first three have nothing to do with carbon credits.

    (4) invests in companies with green tech aims.

    (5) Is invest the three-year, $300 million GW ad campaign

    (6) Invests venture capitol in mainly internet related companies

    None of these companies seem to have interests in carbon credits, as far as I could find out this is a myth perpetuated by the denier movement. If someone has real evidence and not just I hate Al spouting please post it.

    A goggle search found links but only to Newsmax, Newsbusters and blogs. In spite of their names the first two are not news sites and don't even pretend to be anything but rightwing.

  10. Yes he owns a company which deals in carbon credits. So every time he says he is carbon neutral because he buys carbon credits, he is simply buying them from himself.

    Ken, Funny how your (Pro AGW)  story always changes on this. If an oil company pays for an experiment, it is automatically null and void. Do not even worry about the actual science. But if Al Gore makes money off a science fiction movie and book, that's fine. If the IPCC, a group who's very existence relies on the continuation of the AGW lie, publishes anything, it is taken as fact. Event though they contradict themselves from one report to the next (ie: Look at their historic temp. The 1995 had the Medieval Warm period. The 2001 replaced that with the debunked Hockey Stick). By your (Pro AGW) definition, anyone who profits from AGW (especially the IPCC) should have their reports thrown out and not even reviewed. Where is the scientific curiosity gone?

  11. I don't know - do you?

  12. No but I'm sure he profited from his book....

    Thank God Bill Clinton didn't die in office.....

    We would all be riding around on scooters..

  13. He started a company trading carbon credits and was to have an IPO of a round 150 million dollars ?

  14. gore profits from the whole global warming thing.  just look at the size of his house and his private jets.

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