
Does Al Gore really care about the environment or is it all about the money?

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Does Al Gore really care about the environment or is it all about the money?




  1. He recently bought a multi million dollar condo in San Francisco - a city he claims will soon be under water.

  2. I wonder what his motives are, since he didn't use the media attention he got to launch a presidential bid. And since he obviously doesn't need the money and has a "carbon footprint" larger than the Yeti (which makes his heartfelt care suspect) it must be something else.

    BTW Al Gore DID NOT create the internet. Just because he coined the term "information superhighway" in the mid '90s (which no-one uses nowadays) does not give him the credit which truly belongs to ARPAnet pioneers such as Vint Cerf, Jon Postel, Steve Crocker, Bill Naylor, Bob Taylor, Larry Roberts, Bob Kahn and others. Gore was 21 years old in 1969 when these men laid the groundwork for what now is the internet and he didn't enter politics until 1976 so he can't even possibly claim political responsibility.

  3. I'm not sure but if someone was preaching that tobacco is bad for you and then invested in corporations that offer those nicotine patches. is that a conflict of interest or is that leading by example?

    i do honestly think gore dose care about the environment.

  4. I think Al Gore's main concern is his next meal. And it's probably a fish supper.

  5. Al Gore was a politician and is probably financially well endowed. He has surely profited from his recent book. Does that make him an evil, selfish critter? Isn't the goal of most workers to become successful? Once successful, should he give it all to us poor folks ... like we would do if we were rich? Uh huh! Should he settle quietly into peaceful oblivian and not try to raise concerns while the rest of us stand by and watch Rome burn? Should he sell his fancy home and live like the rest of us and keep his mouth shut. Would you? How many of you ride a bike instead of flying across country to Los Angeles? Would you take your spouse or date to McDonalds if you could afford a nice restauraunt? Let's face it, we are all about money to some degree, so don't throw stones from the inside of your glass house.

  6. Although Al Gore has 8 bathrooms he has been an environmental concerned man for decades.  It was him, as a congressman that fought to clean up the Love Canal and, he has continued to be a proponent of environment, first level, causes for many years.

    Off the subject, he was the first congressman to promote the efforts to create the internet.  He is a sane, futuristic man and deserved his Nobel prize.

  7. i think hes full of p**p because he uses like i think 6 times more electricity than the average man

  8. The day a politician cares about something other than money... is the day h**l freezes over... That will probably be blamed on global warming too!!!

    Global warming is a natural process, we are coming out of the last Ice Age which takes thousands of years. Has no one thought that the temps we have now could be way lower than what they meant to be? of course not as we have been brainwashed into thinking its mankind that is causing global warming.

    No one can stop it, no matter how 'green' we all become. Global warming will happen. Global warming actually caused the last Ice Age, and the one before that and so on.

    He is in it for the money... yours and mine, same goes for every politician who is on the band wagon.

  9. Who?

  10. bout the money... he lies about global warming

  11. his electric bill is through the roof!!, America do not contribute towards the environment, and there is no recycling there.

  12. If Al Gore really cared about the environment, he would lose 100 pounds.  He would down size his home from a 10,000 foot house, which uses up who knows how much electricity, gas, etc., and he would cut down on the greasy foods covered with onions, cabbage and broccli, which puts so much methane into the atmosphere.

  13. The environment is his meal ticket as well as his ticket to fame and fortune.  Yes he cares about it.  As for his Nobel Prize, he is in good company.  I believe Yassir Arafat also got one, that humanitarian and epitome of tolerance.

    I would feel much more comfortable if Al wasn't profiting from his own buying of carbon credits for his energy-wasting lifestyle.

  14. isn't everything in this world about money?

  15. The problem is that the global warming and other environmental issues have become so tangled up with politics that it's impossible to separate the science and the real concern from the money and the politics.

    This is a problem for scientists too. Although pretty much all of them agree that global warming exists, the scientific community as a whole is not in 100% agreement that human emissions are fully or even partially responsible. Even when a scientist comes along with some suggestive evidence that something else, like solar variance, may be a factor, they are shouted out by the others. Which, whatever turns out to be true, is not the way science should be done.

    Politics perverts and corrupts everything until all the good's been sucked out of it.

  16. he has 8 bathrooms.  you tell me

  17. This is what I wrote about Al Gore last year;

    Well I'm sure you've seen the news report, the ice caps will be gone by 2020. We are about to tip the cycle of doom that will change the whole of life as we know it, yah de yah de yah da.....

    But thinking about it there are way too many similarities here to a famous villain;

    Now the Joker paralysed Gotham with fear, when he released a hygiene product containing the chemical Smylex.

    AL Gore is trying to paralyse the world with fear of a chemical he calls Carbon dioxide.

    Now what's Al Gore's next step; He's planning a Live Earth Concert. This seems too familiar to when the Joker had a parade through Gotham city throwing out loads of money. He then gassed the poor folk out on the street.

    This Live Earth Concert is supposed to be carbon neutral but I wouldn't be surprised if Al Gore has another greenhouse gas under his sleeve

    Luckily though the Republicans are out to stop his evil wave of terror, and are trying to block his concerts in America. But I think it maybe too little too late. Al Gore’s power seems to be building; if we don’t do something about him soon he may become unstoppable.

  18. Oh for goodness sake.  Of course we all want to do well and reach our highest potential, but that does not mean we have to earn mega bucks which we do not need?  How can anyone trust or believe the words a man/woman says, if their actions show the entire opposite? You will find, that most of these "do gooders" and "eco warriors" eat animal produce, drink alcohol, have huge petrol guzzling motor vehicles and save money by buying cheap products made by child slaves in the third world! We tell parents they should lead by example, but I say that all these eco warriors should  either do exactly the same, or button up and let us all live our lives as we see fit! So to answer your questions, absolutely yes, its all about money, greedy people earning money they dont need when there are people all over the world who cant feed and clothe their children.

  19. Chris Rock once said... "The money is not in the cure, its in the medicine!

    Oh how right he is.

  20. Of course it's all about the money!

    Haven't you figured it out yet! The whole Global Warming has always been about the money. In the 70's we were heading for an Ice Age, again all about the money. All you have to do is follow the money and it will take you right to Global Warming.

  21. he def. cares. when it comes to the earth, money isnt a factor.

  22. don't you remember...he invented the internet...he's a fraud

  23. It's all about POWER

  24. Ya im wonderin too..

    I have one of his books about global warming, and if u read, it wuld litterally hipnotize to beleive that he's doing it all cuz of the planet.

    all he wants is to scare lil kids thinking its da end of da world so he can be president. ._.

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