
Does Alan Turing ever have anything positive to say?

by  |  earlier

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I'm gonna go with no.






    he usually doesnt.

    grumpy old f**t.

    lmao take a star buddy.

  2. Old people never do

  3. Why a crime suspect Red Handed by the Police, they alway act blurr blurr blurr one, they dunno this and they dunno that. but if they are not busted,  they knew everything which they wanna to know for a answer like a pig trap with food. Pig is dumb but once it smarts oredi, pig can climb up a tree. lol.

  4. how to say positively when your life is maximum FARTED negatively created by the Government Doggies? haha..shut up and lives on. u should consider yourself very lucky where noone throw u to the hungry Doggies.

    no life, no money, no friends, no jobs, no business and no families except everyday $10 to survive days after days, u think u can be positively all the way! Growth up, kiddos!

    poor alan, when did u become dog's prey? just a show only yeah? i know all doggies are good in show like in a circus.

  5. yes. maybe. no. that was a quick two points :P  

  6. I think he offers realistic answers. He criticizes nonsensical questions, as long as the question make sense i think he is capable of providing a good answer.

    I think he is also not scared by a guy sitting infront of a computer ranting about yahoo members.

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