
Does Albino-ism affect all animals?

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Is it possible to get an albino fly? Yesterday my son and a fly settle on his arm. It was the size of a blue bottle but pure white. If not what could it have been?




  1. Yes

  2. Albinism affects many kinds of animals for which there's only one main pigment.  I don't know about bluebottle flies in particular, but it's certainly possible that you've seen a mutant bluebottle fly that's the equivalent of albino.

  3. yes, i think.. and even plants..  

  4. Yes, I think so. Pictures of fishes, birds, marsupials and mammals can be seen all the time. I have not seen an albino insect. Fruit flies do exist white with red eyes.

  5. Albino-ism (albinism) is the point where there are no pigments in the person's body. So any animal with anything that gives it color of any kind could have this condition where they don't have any pigment, though I'm sure albinism is rarer in some animals than in others.

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