
Does Alcohol reduce FEAR?

by  |  earlier

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i was just curious does alcohol reduce fear? in all sort of ways, is that why its called liquid courage? makes you less shy? nervous? so does it??




  1. yes

  2. no bubb.

  3. It reduces everything because it takes away your sober judgement, ie, why not, instead of "not a good idea" normal things you would say no to you will say yes to, You must have a chant ready in your head "answer the hard questions tomorrow, when I am sober, repeat repeat repeat, or "ask me tomorrow"  People, including ME have done really dumb things while under the influence of alcohol.

  4. yep


  6. Everyone reacts differently.  Being less shy and nervous could also mean they've lost their inner censor and say whatever comes to mind while also being too oblivious of any dangers that may be around.

  7. Let's put it to chemical terms, shall we? The endorphins in alcohol, which is a drug itself, makes one's brain forget "fear", in general. Or neglect the part of the brain that produces it. (aka your conscience, and your personal nagging mom)

    Liquid courage? Let's say it's Liquid rash, if you know what I mean. ;)

  8. only if your drunk

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