
Does Ali still beat Foreman if!?

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His people do not strategically loosen up the ropes? If you have seen the fight I think you will agree that a few times it looked like the ring was going to fall apart with the way Ali leaned into them! They played a role because it made it difficult for Foreman to get any good clean shots on him.

It is a fact that they did this because Dundee has bragged about his strategy on camera. So what do you guys think?




  1. The ropes were not loosened by Dundee. The ring was 16 ft. square and 20 to 24 ft. ropes were used. That was the problem.

  2. its the times man... boxing rings were the same as wrestlin rings are back in the day made to strech.. now you you dont see that happenin. the ropes are tight (in boxing).. that bout could have gone either witch  way its up in the air.. smart quickness and power are the main ingredients .. it depends on witch you use the best

  3. Ali was landing hard shots on Foreman in every round.  Foreman hit Ali with some good shots also.  Foreman was out psyched in that fight.  He had a great corner man in Archie Moore who was telling Foreman what Ali was doing.  Instead of following Moore's advice to conserve his energy Foreman punched himself out.  Ali had that whole country behind him and against Foreman.  Ali's quick punches gave him a great advantage over the slower punching Foreman.  If somebody is going to punch themselves out because of a strategy you have I think you will let them punch themselves out.  Pretty simple.  Frazier and all the other fighters Ali fought didn't fall for it.  Foreman admits to this day that Ali roped a dope that night.

    Would Ali beat Foreman with the ropes tight?    Definitely.

  4. ali would still have won the fight that night.

  5. It's been debated if the ropes were purposley loosened, but I do not think they were. Dundee stated that the extreme heat had loosened the ropes, and I beleive him.

    If Dundee and rest knew of Ali's  plan to lay on the ropes, then Dundee would not have been screaming at Ali during the fight to get off the ropes. Dundee stated he was scared that Foreman was going to knock Ali through the ropes and Ali get seriously hurt because the ring was elevated high.

    Archi Moore would know all about what Ali was doing, since he invented the stratedgy and used it on Marcianio. He laid on the ropes and turtle fought Rocky, but unlike Foreman, Rocky never got tired and just kept throwing punches, most of  them missing, until he finally landed something.

    That said, Ali knew that he would never be able to pull that trick of twice, and why he avoided a deserved rematch with Foreman. Foreman stated "Ali won't beat me again" and Cossell hounded Ali on why was fighting bums like Wepner instead of givng Foreman a rematch.

    Eventually Ali agreed to give Foreman a rematch if Foreman beat young. Bot Foreman suffered from heat stroke in that fight, lost, and supposedly found God and retired.

  6. The objective was to tire Foreman,Ali was skilled enough to accomplish this by any means neccesary.

  7. It might have made a difference but its more the WAY Forman fought that contributed to his loss.  Ali would have made do no matter how the ropes were tightened.  

    It was just Ali's night.  He turned Zaire into his back yard and adopted all the African people as his "kin folk".   George didn't have the "Human Life Experience"  to deal with live there.    He's a Black man but he's NOT African.   He's as American as anyone.  George never felt comfortable there.  It just wasn't his night.  

    Ali did a masterful job of diffusing the human bomb BEFORE the fight.  Its amazing that his plan worked because the original date was in Sept, not Oct 30.  Still, the bottom line is that it wasn't George's atmosphere.  He never stopped wanting to go home from the time he arrived in Zaire.

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