
Does Alka Seltzer really cause seagulls to explode if they eat it?

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do they actually go boom or does it just do something horrible to their insides. Has anyone actually seen it happen, or is it really just an urban myth.




  1. R u sure how come birds throw up into babies mouths for feeding? huh?lol..Have you head of the bird that vomits at will for its main defense? lol..

  2. True. The gas ruptures their innards,so they don't explode,as in KABOOM, but it does kill them. The reason,I believe is because they cant burp or vomit. Wet bread laced with bi-carbonate of soda does the same thing.

  3. How Utterly Awful. I Must say,I Have never Heard of this.If It Is True,Who Could Be So Sick as To Give It To Them in the first Place?!

  4. Good question Val, I had visions of pigeons dying en masse in Piccadilly Circus, and Boris organising a task force to clear all the blood and feathers up.

    Alas it appears not to be true ;-(

  5. i know rice makes pigeons explode

  6. Sounds like a urban myth to me.

    Have to send it in to Myth Busters for them to investigate.

    Not sure how they'd go about testing it... in case it was true!

    Still, it's a horrible thing to want to do to our little feathered rats.

    I caught one once.

    I was down the beach with my girl friend eating hot chips.

    Sea Gulls love chips and they were getting pretty brave,

    one almost eating out of my fingers,

    till I grabbed him.

    Certainly makes them flap and squawk.

  7. Well... I know mentos and diet coke do.

  8. This is a myth.  It is also a myth that birds can not belch.

  9. petrol soaked bread is better!

  10. It is not Alka Seltzer but Dynamite. They became wary of this chemical concoction but still fall for Semtex.

  11. dnt know bout the alkaseltzer seagull combo but if you give ecstasy to street pigeons it turns them in to love birds lmao

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