
Does America dislike Europe because its become more powerfull after the end of the Cold War?

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Europe, if it was fully intergrated would be the ultimate superpower in the world followed second by the USA.

Is this the reason why relations between them are becoming strained as america is trying to prevent this european intergration

This is a question that i have always been interested in hearing discussed.




  1. There is this unfortunate line of thought in the US that there's something wrong or dangerous about the European Union.  I, however, think it's the most progressive legislative body that the world has ever known, so, for me, I'm very "pro" western europe and excited about the advances I see there.  As a general rule I would say that in the US, there are 2 kinds of people:  the "red state" people are mostly anti european union, and the "blue state" people (such as myself) are mostly pro.

  2. I think many Americans would have cheered Obama if he had gone over there and insulted Europe. (They certainly didn't approve of his popularity.)

    But, the most idiotic thing one can do is insult your banker.

    I love the way John McCain still demeans the French at every opportunity.

    Their economy is far healthier than the US economy and their infrastructure isn't falling down either, although most Americans will always dispute that.

    Joe Smoker (above) is an example.

  3. I dislike most of Europe, however, I don't believe that my opinion in the opinion of most Americans. I know that most Americans don't dislike the Europeans as much as Europe dislikes America and I know this to be true since I have an International business and speak to Europeans all day long. However, one important point here is that Europeans are very envious and jealous of the United States because of our Cowboy attitude, free will and the people of the United States having the attitude to band behind a certain united cause such as a war when in fact Europeans don't have the mind set nor the ability to do the same. In fact, this is straight out of a European's mouth to me. They talk c**p about us, yet, everything they want to become or do is something which resolves around America. They are hypocrites to say it best. Their favorite actresses and actors and movies are always from the United States.

    In conclusion, the EU has one currency and this is about the only common ground they carry with one another and they hate one another. In fact, I believe the Europeans hate themselves. The only country over there which is worth it's salt is Great Britian.

  4. America doesn't dislike europe from my point of view.  But Americans do think that people from the UK are stiff uptight smart mouths.

  5. No, I think the general dislike stems from the fact that the United States (and the UK to be fair) is left to do most of the world's dirty work that needs to be done.  I think your assertion that Europe could be the ultimate superpower is a little off base.  The only thing a Frenchman will fight for is aged cheese and top quality wine.

  6. With the development of China and India; given 30 years the USA would not even be second.

    Hopefully the days of 'superpowers' are drawing to a close

  7. There could well be a 'grain of truth' in what the questioner has said!No longer does America take on Britain,France,Belgium,Italy, Ireland as individual countries but as a group!

    It would be in America's best interests to see a disorganised Europe!

  8. the only reason Americans and European (think they) don't like each other is because of cultural differences. Americans have a different sense of humor and way of communicating.

    Europeans would say Americans are "shallow" because they are always so enthusiastic about everything they see and always seem happy to see you, even if they hardly care... This doesn't have much  to do with shallowness though, more with the fact that they were raised with the idea of "treating others how they would like to be treated" and are always encouraged with "positive reinforcement".

    Europeans tend to be more cynical and direct in their communications. They will let you know if they don't really like you and tend to speak their mind alot more than your average American. This is good, but sometimes it may cause unnecessary conflicts and hurt feelings.

    People that say it has to do with jealousy are just silly. The richest Americans may be richer than he average European rich person but the poorer are also poorer. Labeling either the US or Europe as "superpower" wouldn't change anything in anyone's day to day life...

    Even more ridiculous are the people that say that Europeans should stop criticizing the US because they should be thankful the US ihelped out n the second world war... As if helping us back then (more than half a century ago) took away Euopeans' right to speak their mind ever again.

    On a political level, I think that what really cooled the relations down was Bush' statement that whoever was not with him in the "war on terror" was against him. Of course, Europe is against terror as well and was horrified by what happened on 9/11 but that doesn't mean they would have to agree with every sanction the US deems necessary. As I said, Europeans speak their mind and did not feel like having to make this choice at all...  

  9. Very unlikely considering the vast majority of Americans probabaly think Europe is a town somewhere in America.

  10. The relationship is becoming strained because of nonstop hatred and demonization of Americans from Europe as well as the Europeans/Commonwealths unbridled sense of competition and tribalness.  The US government supports the EU.  I would love it if the EU became the world superpower.  You can have the title and leave us the heII alone.

  11. The United States encouraged the formation of the EU.  

    Most fellow Americans I know generally like Europeans, but become negative over European condemnation of the US.  

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