
Does America need a president?? Couldnt everyday people do a much beter job?

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I seriously think that most everyday, average Americans could do a much better job at running this country than any of the presidents we have ever had! McCain doesnt know what anyone in this country needs(unless their rich and white) and Obama, as much as I love and support him, also cant relate to alot of Americans.

and from what Ive been reading on here, the majority of you make a heck of alot more sense than any of these politicians




  1. Are you asking why we aren't communist? Or are you asking why average Joe isn't running for president?

    We aren't communist because there exist lazy/corrupt/greedy people in the world, and communism just doesn't work with such people. Democracy has checks and balances built in to it, so that lazy/corrupt/greedy people have a hard time getting any form of power.

    Average Joe isn't running for president because he doesn't want to. It takes an exceptional person to commit to becoming president...

    I would prefer someone better than me be president...

  2. i agree

    check out this pod cast it talks about that  

  3. seriously! Presidents really cant relate to average everyday people. Especially John McCain. I mean, can anyone who is not rich, old and white truly relate to him and respect what he wants to do for this country???

    I actually think that Hillary Clinton would have made a great president though...I could seriously find no fault with her. Obama definatley should have picked her as his VP

  4. Unfortunately the average American isn't as well read on foreign policy, tax laws, the economy, and the precarious balance of ethics and politics.

  5. no we don't. "We don't need another hero"

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