
Does America need more public transportation?

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High speed trains would be cool!




  1. What we really need is more commuter transportation.  Since many live outside of their work area, too far to walk anyway, they have to drive to get to work.  If there were more park-and-ride options, more commuters would use them.

  2. Yes, we are getting to the point where it makes sense to build more public transport.  If we can overcome the oil and auto industries' lobbying power, we can do it.  California has a high-speed rail initiative coming up, if you live there, vote for it!

  3. AMEN!

    I think it's great that local governments are starting to recognize (finally) that they need to invest in alternative modes of transportation.  Not only does the USA need better public transportation but we all need to take a serious look at how we're designing and zoning our cities.

    Forcing people to live ungodly distances from their jobs in houses they can afford is simply wrong - yet here we are in suburban America... not doing ourselves very many favors!

    Also in addition to PT we need better infrastucture - safer and more bike routes would be nice!  And not just pasted on bike lanes - no we need actual boulevards that are primarily for non-auto traffic.  A lot of people don't feel safe bike riding - even in the bike lane.

    (I ride and I avoid bike lane routes - I prefer quieter neighborhood routes or "boulevards" as we call them.)

    With airline prices skyrocketing (pun intended) we might see more high speed trains, no?

  4. Yes, but we've waited too long to do anything about it!!  The RRs arent interested in passenger service- too much liability and not enough revenue.  What we need is more mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles.....and stop consuming fuel for recreation and entertianment

  5. We need to pay people to carry us everywhere. That would be interesting.

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