
Does America need tax reform?

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The government taxes everything to the tune of 3.5 trillion dollar anual budget. Would America be better off if say 1.5 trillion were left in the hands of either businesses and citizens to spend how we want to or should the status quo remain?




  1. Taxes feed the government's spending addiction. The only way to end that addiction is to dramatically reduce the amount of money the government has to play with. And that means cutting taxes.

    It's not about the rich or the poor. None of us should be paying the ridiculous taxes that go to fund pork and earmarks.

  2. it needs a giant overhaul, but in my opinion for a different reason than you give.  i think there needs to be more regulation and taxes for the rich.  there was one billionaire that was quoted as saying he pays less taxes than his secretary, because of slimy tax laws that benefit the rich.

  3. America needs tax reform, but does not necessarily need to lower overall tax rates. Changes in distribution and the type of taxes implemented are whats needed. And there is much more than 1.5 trillion left in the hands of the people. U.S. GDP is over 12 trillion, most of which stays in the hands of the people.

  4. America needs an educated populace that will dig deep for the truth rather than listen to the talking heads on network television whose job it is to obfuscate the truth.

    We a have an income tax to pay the interest on the national debt, a debt incurred when the corporate United States (not to be confused with the United States of America) went bankrupt in 1933. That entity went bankrupt because a bunch of slime balls in Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, giving control of our money to a group of private bankers. They have since taken all the gold and put into hock every man, woman and child who claims to be a US citizen.

    Dump the Fed and we will have no need for an income tax, which by the way only citizens of the corporate US are required to pay anyway.

  5. not so much  as we need to cut the waste

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