
Does Ann Coulter's support of Hillary, hwver tacit & grdg'g, reveal tht sh pts so-considrd pramat'm abov prip?

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Does Ann Coulter's support of Hillary,

however tacit and grudging,

reveal that she puts so-considered pramatism above principles?

Why not minority party candidates?

Why not independents?

Why not encorage the options of write-ins, where they exist?

Why not run herself?




  1. Why would she want to support any of those candidates? It won't keep her in the press. Remember it is all about Ann, not the country!

  2. some days.

  3. Are you sure Ann Coulter supports Hillary Clinton? Coulter is a staunch conservative. If this is true, I believe we've crossed into another dimension or it's a signal for the end of the world!

  4. Tranny Ann hates Hillary.  She just hates McCain more, so unless McCain picks a running mate whom she actually likes, she's got no Rebublican candidate to support.

    And you know damned well that there's no way on God's bouncy earth that Ann the Man is going to support a non-white person.  

    You should notice that in all of her dubiously supportive rants about Hillary, Ann Coulter takes repeated pot-shots at Obama and McCain.  She hasn't said one positive thing about Hillary other than the fact that she ISN'T one of her opponents.  

    Further proof that Ann is insane.

  5. I think she was being sarcastic.

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